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  • Profile photo of prophecyprophecy
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    Thanks very much for your long reply conatining much insight. You have definately given me ideas for thought and have added fuel to my fire to enter into the investing arena.

    To everyone else i thank you again also.

    By the way I now realise that i should have appreciated Dazzlings post and I will make a concerted effort not to knock back peoples insights good or bad in the future. Apoologies for seeming ungrateful Dazzling and also everyone else.

    My most recent idea is to purchase a house on a medium size block with enough room to subdivide. Bye the house on a long settlement, subdived during settlement, use my FHOG to bye the house and move out with some friends…and have hopefully some nice equity built up. Any ideas or suggestions would be great..again.

    Thanks again.

    Profile photo of prophecyprophecy
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    To Dazzling,

    I didn’t mean to offend you at all and am not after some sort of post war. I am merely after advice and I agree with you that the information I provided was scant to say the least. In answer to your question I wish to wear the hat worn by not many which is the hat that most of the people on this website would also like to wear.

    I did find your response narrow minded because the way in which you worded it placed me in the typical young yuppy category which I believe is narrow minded. No offence intended.

    I am on this site to get advice from people that know more than me about investing in positve cashflow property and I think that we should this site as hlepful as it is. I did not find your reply helpful, sorry.

    So Dazzling I do not want a message war and do not want to offend, all i want is you to answer my original question if you wish as I’m sure that you have more wisdom than me.

    Thanks to everyone for your replies again, others insights are always helpful.


    Profile photo of prophecyprophecy
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    Hi all,

    Thanks very much for all your replies. It is always great to get insight from other people.

    Dazzling…. I couldn’t but help take offence to your reply as I find your insights to be very narrow minded and perhaps ignorant. Just to let you know I moved out of home when I was 18 as my parents divorced and went travelling ror the last 4 years. I recently moved back in with my mother who is aiding me in trying to eventually escape the rat race. I am in no means some yuppie with a big phone bill who mooches of my parents. Everything I own i have bought, everywhere I have been I have paid for and my savings are my own. So I can see you points but I think you were far to quick to pass jusgements and hance i find your insights very unhelpful. Thanks anywyas.

    To everyone else your reply’s have been great. Thanks for your insights and wish me luck.

    Take it easy

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