PropertyAngel replied to the topic wont revalue Piror to reno completion in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago
thanks for the help guys!
The renno isnt finished and settlement as been agreed to be 12months or longer if i wish, as I live in the house at the moment.
I understand that some ivestors arrange to have valuers attend before renno’s are completed, or so i was told they do.
As I am buying the property from my parents I am looking to maybe access…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Change of Careers? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago
Didnt Realise I was unlawfully advertising myself as a person. Im no business….maybe thats the problem…..*shrugs* oh well. thanks for letting me know….i’ll be sure to remember this next time.
Metropole Ill be in touch! Thankyou so much!!!!!
No Such thing as CAN’T!
PropertyAngel replied to the topic What do you think of this idea in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 8 months ago
The more tenants get the more the want?????
OH MY GOD can you hear yourselves! I don’t want to be insultive but as a long term tenant/investor and self mananging landlord all I can read here is Greedy, undynamic, inflexible people talking.
I was a tenant for 7 years before I pruchased the first of my investment properties. And I know if my…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic South Australian investors in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago
Hi folks!
I live in the O’sullivan Beach area, yes im still starting out. Currently have 3 IP’s which I guess after expenses are not CF+. Getting a property to be cash flow positive would definately be a challenge for anyones imagination! But it can be done! I have a few idea but they may not be suited to all.
good to see SA investors alive and…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Defence Housing – new attraction in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago
Damn kiddo! thats a big outlay for a 1st investment. I agree with the others. I think you’re starting big with the risk of getting small very quickly.
slow down take your time, there will always be another special deal around!
start small if its your first investment and use it as an education tool. If you start big and get burnt bad the lesson…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic HELP – brand new potential investor in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago
Hmm yes put me in the “Agree with all of the above” category thanks.
As an investor with 3 properties I find renting alot better. Its funny because from the young age of 18 all I have ever wanted was to own my own home and live in it.
BLAH! gone are those days.. if I knew then what I know now, along with my passion and drive for self wealth and…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic tenant leaving, get new one? house going on market in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago
hmm well its “damned if you do damned if you dont” situation. I think really you need to go with what you think. You never know you may find a tenant that wants a specific short non periodical lease who is happy to work with agents and around opens. I guess the bottom line is .. you’ll never know unless you give it a go…
I think you’ve already…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 8 months ago
Brisbane born but residing in O’Sullivan Beach
Nice to mee you all~! _,,,=^..^=,,,_~_ meow!
No Such thing as CAN’T!
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Greetings all in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 8 months ago
Hey Pappa Bear *Squeezes tight*
Just remember, What doesn’t Kill you can only make you stronger darlin!
Chin up! if you ever need a cheery chat Im sure we will all pitch in!!
GO CROWS!!!!!! *hides just incase you’re a Power Supporter*
No Such thing as CAN’T!
PropertyAngel replied to the topic All RAISING RENT TIPS HERE PLEASE!!! in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 8 months ago
Thats all?? [blink]
Oh Man! I could pick your creative mind all day long!!! Keep the idea’s comming Oh Master of Rent and landord creativity!! *worships*
Thankyou so much!!!!!
No Such thing as CAN’T!
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Members Pic Page in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 8 months ago
[blink] Should I be Affraid????? [eh] *stares with stunned eyes at a particular pic* Rats??? MKAY…………[weird]
No Such thing as CAN’T!
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Raising rent Tips in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 8 months ago
Thanks Anne… I think you might be right… no probs.. [biggrin] any excuse to start a new topic in order to collect gold information.
Just call me a self wealth knowledge junkie!
That and it cant hurt to be kind to anyone who posts here,… even if they have a bad rep too.[blush2]
Think big and success is yours always!
PropertyAngel replied to the topic How did you meet your soul mate? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago
Im on the rockiest road with everything latey as it seems. My first husband I thought and still think is my soul mate.. we were together for 6.5 years and married for about 18months, he was my best friend and then one day came home and told me that well he bats for the other team…. course you could imagine my facial expression [blink] …and…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic What Pet? What Name? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago
Property People Prefer Cats to Dogs? hmmmmmm maybe not in my case! I think if pets where property I’d be the wealthiest steak holder here…
I have 4 cats and 2 dogs
Cat 1.) Ally (short for Allisyum meaning little flower, she use to sleep in the allisyum) Aged 11 and a real royal snob.
Cat 2.) Angel (devil in a cat suit what more can I say!)…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Business Idea Help in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 8 months ago
It certainly is niche, and although some creative investors are doing this now privately no one has as yet brought it through to the surface for all to access in the property industry.
Just as an update I’m all booked in to start off my initial Property Management certificate and then its onto the agents licence from there, im guessing thats…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Business Idea Help in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 8 months ago
Of Course!
Thanks so much folks! Im aware that I must complete my property management study and my agents licence in order to start off. But I’m oblivious to small business full stop…. *chuckles* did I mention I failed accounting and business maths in high school… *ahrugs* not to worry, the wealthiest people on the face of the earth ever…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Raising rent Tips in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 8 months ago
In fact Id love to hear any other idea’s that anyone would have on this topic!!!!! email is open to all!
Think big and success is yours always!
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Raising rent Tips in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 8 months ago
Ok well maybe this is my “Care factor ZERO” approach to the days of our lives converstaion going on here but i have some idea’s on how to get creative with rent which can benefit both landlord and tenant. Feel free to PM Jack if youre intersted, certainly would like to have a creative conversation with you on this as this is one of my…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Too Little Too Late! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago
Hey Team!
WOW! thanks so much for the wonderful and creative advise. You’ve all given me so many idea’s, now im back to the late nights of getting excited about property again.
Just to let you know that i have decided to sell one of the properties, as much as I hate doing so but Id rather do it this way and focus on learning more about other…[Read more]
PropertyAngel replied to the topic Too Little Too Late! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago
Hi Brady5
*chuckles* you can read me like a book.. but thankyou for your compliments, i love getting feedback like that!
and yes the emotional attatchment with the girl with 7 children is 25 years strong.. my first biggest mistake. When it comes to property management though im firm but fair.. its not about property management any man and his…[Read more]
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