Programmer replied to the topic Interest Rates Up! in the forum General Property 19 years ago
I received Steve’s email (Investor Alert) regarding this topic. I also received one from ‘Access-One’ (I subscribe to many property newsletters, some good, some otherwise…).
Both emails are near enough to identical – however they’re ‘written’ by different people.[confused2].
So Steve, what’s the goss? Are…[Read more]
Programmer replied to the topic Have just sacked my accountant! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I agree with landt64. Hope you didn’t sack your Accountant ’cause they’re correct. To claim expenses (of any type) you must have assessable income to claim them against. All this stuff is up-front costs! Might have been wise to check first… Harsh, but that’s how it goes.
Software for people, not computers.
Programmer replied to the topic LOC vs offset? in the forum Finance 20 years ago
I give up. You win. Hope that makes you feel better.[chill]
Software for people, not computers.
Programmer replied to the topic LOC vs offset? in the forum Finance 20 years ago
…If you cannot find a clear and well-constructed post in this forum, it is only because you have not looked.
Actually I did this well before I wrote this message and completely disagree with you, but there’s little use arguing.
I supported this request and still do. I “supported” the request. Who said that I actually wanted the info? I think…[Read more]
Programmer replied to the topic LOC vs offset? in the forum Finance 20 years ago
I’ve come to this a bit late but agree with ez-rent. An FAQ written in plain simple terms would be a good idea. I’ve visited many MB sites, and have yet to a find clear and well-constructed info that explains these terms. ez-rent enquired re the possibility of some scenarios, this is also a good idea. Scenarios are just that, they are not real,…[Read more]
Programmer replied to the topic Wishlist in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 20 years ago
Steve, still not enough sites are usability tested. I’ve just joined yours and although I think its quite good, it could use an online expert evaluation. Yep, I run a usability company, so I have a ‘vested’ interest. If you must, don’t use us but do it anyway, you’ll be surprised at the results. Oh, and do NOT use your marketer, builder to do it.…[Read more]
Programmer replied to the topic Melbourne suburbs with bad reputation in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
My first post on this site and I’m about to nark a whole lotta folk – but do we not all get a little sick of, and feel just a bit pathetic with this Melb-Syd (or is that Syd-Mel) idiotic argument? I’ve lived in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. Here’s my view:
Sydney, worlds best harbour – gorgeous (and I’ve seen many of the worlds best) If you are…[Read more]