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  • Profiteer replied to the topic Investment Detective – Printing in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Hi ABM

    If you click on the History tab you will see the button for print. I believe you can only print from the History screen.

    Kind regards

    Profiteer [biggrin]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic research data on towns/cities in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi medemoz30084

    If you go to you can get a free postcode profile…It gives you a breakdown on the area of interest ie. population, crime etc, however, if you require information relating to median house prices etc you have to pay for it.

    Hope this helps a little.

    Kind regards

    Profiteer [biggrin]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Land Calculator in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    Yep, no problems…..Thanks for your reply.

    Profiteer [biggrin]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Setting up a trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    Hmmmn…So let me see if have this right then….Under a trust with a company as trustee and say myself and wife as directors of that company, any losses incurred by property owned by the trust could not be offset against our personal income but can be offset against any future income made by the trust…..So what can be offset against our…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Setting up a trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    Hi People

    I am not overly conversant with the ins and outs of companies and trusts but my question is this. What implications are there for a structure where you have a trust with a company set up as the trustee and you and your partner/wife are the directors of the company? Does this negate some of the problems associated with buying property…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic ID problem in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    Hi Phil

    You’ll have to excuse my computer illiteracy….Thanks for correcting my problem….I have had a good play with ID and I think it’s great, it will become an integral part of my investment tool kit.

    Kind regards

    Profiteer [biggrin][biggrin]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Investment Detective in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    Thankyou for your replies Catherine and Tony….I definately can’t wait to have a go with it. I generally use excel spreadsheets and the templates from the Buyer Beware pack to conduct my business, but if the software can make life a little easier that will be grande. As far as the computer upgrade goes, I am toying with the idea of buying or…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Unmotivated Partner in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hey people great topic…..

    I am some what in the same situation as a number of people in the forum so it seems…..Several years ago I convinced my wife that it would be good to invest some money in purchasing a trading package from Safety in the Market. Once I had learnt the ins and outs of the trading system I started trading the Share Price…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Ceasing a contract with PM??? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Bonnie

    Similar to you, I had a PM who I was really unsatisfied with managing our property in Cairns. I just gave them notice that I would no longer be requiring their services and the reasons why. I had to wait 30 days before tranferring the property over to another PM. Now of course this ruling may vary from state to state but I am certain…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic The Wrap Kit – QLD in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Shushar

    May I ask who your solicitor is…Currently looking for a good solicitor who understand L/O and wraps to provide me with contracts for QLD and possibly for NSW.

    Kind regards

    MagnumPI [blink]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Re lease options contract in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Hi Felicity

    I don’t want to restrict myself to one particular state just to allow scope for opportunities and I realise that requirements may vary from state to state…..However, this may not be the right approach, I really am in two minds at the moment, I am starting to think may be I am better off focussing on the market that I am familiar…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Re bond requirements for lease options in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago

    Hi Rob

    I believe that the tenant would not be entitled to the FHOG until such time they excercise the option ie. they go through the motions of obtaining a loan to purchase the property as well as any concessions they are entitled too.

    Kind regards

    MagnumPI [cap]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic BUYER BEWARE CASE STUDIES. in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    Hi Brownbear

    You have hit the nail on the head…..Why would you invest in a property that would not give you a return better than the banks which would be considered less risk as well.

    Also, this one is for you Steve….If you have a look at the Cairns Beach Resort case study solution, it appears as though the figure of $400 for other mortgage…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Investment Club in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    Hi…Just on the topic of investment groups and getting together with like minded people, I am wishing to get together with people in the ACT…I have found a previous thread with details of such a group and sent an email to the recommended contact person but am still waiting for a response….If anyone else is aware of this group in Canberra and…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Re bond requirements for lease options in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago

    Thanks for your response Rob….As you say I think it’s just a matter of playing with the option figures to achieve a win win situation….I am like you, looking to use the lease option strategy for future investments, I may be wrong but I feel it is a more attractive option (Other than wraps) for potential buyers who find it difficult to save a…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic 11 Second rule in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by crj:
    But as Richmond said you need to investigate the town. For almost all my working life (27 years) I have been in towns under 5,000 population. Investors rarely had problems renting out.

    Hi People

    Just on this topic, I have noted that a number of people have stated varying population sizes as a preference for towns to…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Innisfail, QLD – $50-80k IPs in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    that’s ok comdom I was aware of what i was doing, my quota is complete – $100k for 2 properties, totaling $240 p/wk. i will move on now but felt others should know, this local market won’t last long. J

    Hi John

    I agree with Condom, you should not publicise an area that you have found to be a great source of positive cash flow…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Lease Option Numbers in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi All

    Just wondering how the numbers are worked out for a lease option. I know the purchase price is marked up 20 to 25% or what ever your criteria is. But what I am wondering is how the rent amount is decided. Is it calculated, plucked out of the air, Is there a standard mark up on the rent?

    Also does the solicitor do up the lease like…

    [Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Skeptics in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thanks guys and gals

    It is so good to be amonst supportive people….I really appreciate your thoughts…..My confidence is really starting to grow and hopefully it will rub off on my wife….I will research to the ‘n’th degree and pass this information onto my wife and hopefully she will become a little more confident with the concepts of…[Read more]

  • Profiteer replied to the topic Skeptics in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago


    My spelling isn’t the best is it…..(sceptic)

    Magnum [:D

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