Pro investor replied to the topic No redraw for companies at NAB in the forum Finance 10 years ago
The product has redraw on it cause the ones in my name I can do it but they called me up and said company can’t
Thanks rob
Pro investor replied to the topic Carpet Beetles…eating our carpet in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago
I just got 4 rooms carpet 4m x 4m each for $2300 from the carpet house in Mackay hope that gives you some idea
Thanks Rob
Pro investor replied to the topic MACKAY: General thoughts and experiences on as an area to invest in property in the forum General Property 10 years ago
If u can find a bank manger to tell you the truth of how many houses they have on there books you’ll wait a little longer before buying
Only my opinion
Thanks Rob
Pro investor started the topic No redraw for companies at NAB in the forum Finance 10 years ago
Hi everyone
I’ve got a company trust with a few properties at the nab bank there all variable loans and I’ve been paying more than the minimum repayment the other day I went into see them to redraw some money out and they said companies can’t redraw on home loans. Is there a way of getting my extra money back out
Thanks Rob
Pro investor replied to the topic lj hooker lets neighbours watch my tenants while sleeping in the forum Hi Everyone 12 years ago
Hi Everyone
Thanks for the response especially Jac M and Freckle Lj hooker have said they will pay in full for the curtains and get some put up straight away. when I get back to town in 2 weeks I'm going straight there to check.
Pro investor replied to the topic lj hooker lets neighbours watch my tenants while sleeping in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
the pm took it to the dry cleaners to clean using the bond money as the old tenants had left. if it is the dry cleaners fault the pm got them to do it so its between the pm and dry cleaner.the pm new that they stick together cause she said we tell our tenants to clean them in the bath not in a washing machine than hang out so they knew it wasn't…[Read more]
Pro investor replied to the topic lj hooker lets neighbours watch my tenants while sleeping in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
if i was in town i wouldn't need them i'd be able to do it myself so i pay the pm to act on my behalf ( i'm only home 4 months in the year) i know if i went to there house and washed there curtains then said there all stuffed put them in the bin so they have no curtains id have to replace them
Pro investor replied to the topic lj hooker lets neighbours watch my tenants while sleeping in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
first they told me my curtains were to old and stuffed so i asked to look at them cause i knew they were new that's when i found out they had stuck together after they washed them. I only just found out about the tenant having no curtains cause the entry report said they need new curtains and i thought they had replaced them i talked to…[Read more]
Pro investor replied to the topic Is this a good deal? Cash flow positive? in the forum Hi kj
I need 16 years agoHi kj I need more info how much are the rates for the property, is there a body corpate if so how much per year, and what intrest rate are you looking at to get the loan.Thanks Rob
Pro investor replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Hi Esam I heard and don't quote me on this (what i heard around town) that they lost a heap of contracts to the mines when the new contracts came up for renewal. the price they were going to charge them was to high and the mines could get it cheaper and did so.Thanks Rob
Pro investor replied to the topic QLD investing Dalby, Chinchilla etc in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Hi everyone Bardon in that thread there manly talkin about the mines up near bowen and mackay. Dalby, Chinchilla, Miles and Roma are about 8hrs south
Pro investor replied to the topic QLD investing Dalby, Chinchilla etc in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Hi everyone would love to know more about chinchilla and what people think about it. If they think it will keep growing or not and whyThanks Rob
Pro investor started the topic deposit for commercial property in the forum Commercial Property 17 years ago
Hi everyone How much deposit do you need for a commercial property is it 30% or is there a bank doing 20% or lower also when does a loan for a block of units go from a residential loan to a commercial loan
Thanks Rob
Pro investor started the topic deposit for commercial property in the forum Commercial Property 17 years ago
Hi everyone How much deposit do you need for a commercial property is it 30% or is there a bank doing 20% or lower also when does a loan for a block of units go from a residential loan to a commercial loan
Thanks Rob
Pro investor replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum hi 17 years ago
hi bob Thanks for your input next time i'm back up home I might do some of things you mentioned they do sound like good ideasThanks Rob
Pro investor replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum i don’t want to sell but 17 years ago
i don't want to sell but i'll put it on the market for that price if some one wants to buy it
Pro investor replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
hi bob my house is in collinsville 10 sonoma st Rob
Pro investor replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum hi bob
The house is a 6 17 years agohi bobThe house is a 6 bedroom 3 bathroom 1 study house in the main street behind the news agent fully airconed and been renovated top to bottom and now fully furnished witch it wasn't before rent for 600 a week but i still find it hard to rentThanks Rob
Pro investor replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum hi bob why is collinsville 17 years ago
hi bob why is collinsville so hot and cold I have a property there for rent that sat vacant for 6 months just got it rented again last month.Thanks Rob
Pro investor replied to the topic Seminar – Mark Rolton in the forum Creative Investing 17 years ago
hi everyone there is a cd on options in the back of Australia property investor for $159.00 called options made simple i haven't bought it but plan on doin sothanks Rob
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