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  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Where should I buy in Sydney (Parramatta) in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Upsidedown has given you a great rundown there- great work!!Hi Megan :)

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Buyers Agent in Sydney in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi TomI don't come onto this forum very often but I do frequent the Somersoft site and also am a co-founder of InvestEd.  I'm a BA here in Sydney and would be very happy to help you locate an IP here in our fair city.  Give us a call or visit our website to learn more.  Not wanting to blow my own trumpet, but since we started House Search here in…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Property Buyers Agents in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi CherryWhere are you looking?  I'm a BA here in Sydney (boutique agency Northside) but do know of a couple of BA's I'd be happy to recommend elsewhere in Vic and Qld. 

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Buyers Agents in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    No, unfortunately they're classified as a capital cost by the ATO and are thus added to the cost base when reselling.  There was a recent thread on this very topic on InvestEd and our accountant verfied this.  The only way to claim them otherwise is if the BA also provides a form of rental service.  Just do a search on buyers agents fees and yo…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Forums in the forum Forum Frolic 18 years ago

    Try and for some more reading- both are great, though InvestEd also covers other asset vehicles such as shares and funds, as well as property.  Happy reading!

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Trusts…. Can they make it difficult to borrow $$ in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Hi Mat (aka Batman!)

    Besides Dale, the other accountant who’s a wealth of knowledge on trusts is Nick Moustacas. He posts regularly over at (free forum just like this one) so you’re probably best off asking him yourself if you can’t get a hold of answers elsewhere. Trusts can be a complicated subject…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Buyers’ Agent in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Cherry

    It would help if you told us which state you’re looking to buy in. I’m a BA here in Sydney but do know someone reputable should you be looking in Qld as well.

    Good luck with your quest.

    Totally Independent Buyers Agents- Sydney Australia’s premier Investor Education site

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic property manager/buyers agent in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Hi there
    When scouting around for a good PM it pays to ask the right questions. I did an article on this over at if you want to take a look. Just look under Articles and you’ll find it.

    As far as buyers agents go, make sure whoever you use is licensed appropriately and has had investment experience themselves. Check out…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Due Diligence, How much is enough? he!!!p in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Beck

    Rather than repeating myself, if you go to our site at and join up (totally free!) click on Articles, and you’ll find a fairly detailed article on DD which I wrote last year. It’s in the Real Estate section. Hope you find it helpful!
    Good luck with your property investing journey :)

    http://www.housesearchaustra…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Quick question in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Linda is spot on about the 0.25% due on exchange with the remainder of the deposit (5 or 10% is most common though some vendors will accept less upon request or depending on individual circumstances) then due when the contract goes unconditional, which usually occurs after expiration of the five day cooling off period in NSW.
    To make an offer…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Advice/Tips…. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Question everything

    There are so many tidbits over the years that eventually become so much part of one’s psyche that it’s difficult to remember them all! This is my favourite, however, as it’s only through questioning (even when we feel inadequate or exposed for doing so) that we learn. Investing is also about not only planning and goal…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic PI web links??? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Check out us over at

    Totally Australian, with articles as well as a balanced forum where all forms of investing is discussed.

    Totally Independent Buyers Agents- Sydney Australia’s premier Investor Education site

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Selling a Property -Advice & Tips Needed (Please). in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Jessica

    I answered a post about this a while ago on another forum so have copied here for your benefit. The thread is called TIPS FOR SELLING YOUR HOME and is in the real estate section. Good luck with it all!

    Totally Independent…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Buyers Agents in Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Originally posted by DD:

    A corelation to this and Mount Druitt in Sydneys west is the same socioeconomic factors affecting the area and now you cant get anything under $300k in Mount Druitt where they were easily available in 2001 for $90k…..


    Buyers Agent (Dip Financial Services(FP)
    Don’t sweat the small stuff,and it’s all small…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic lane cove tunnel. good for lane cove? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Though it’s a toll road, the tunnel, I believe, is a long overdue piece of infrastructure that will impact positively on prices in Lane Cove.
    Lane Cove has always been a strongly held area and, particularly on the Plaza side, has seemingly defied the downturn period with few examples of price drops since 03 sales.

    I prefer the Plaza side myself,…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Pros and Cons in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    No one can make this decision but yourselves.
    Keep in mind, however, that if you do buy to live in as your PPOR you may qualify for stamp duty concessions and the $7K FHOG as well. If you then sell later down the track no capital gains tax is payable on a PPOR. Even if you only lived in it for a short period and then rented it out, you are able…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Due Diligence Material in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Red :)

    Feel free to check out my article on InvestEd about this very topic- there’s a lot involved as you are only too aware. Happy reading- look under the section entitled Articles.

    Totally Independent Buyers Agents- Sydney Australia’s premier Investor Education site

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Extensive Reno required in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Leewizza
    You can certainly get building/pest reports done prior to signing the contract of sale. Probably wiser, if you’re the only interested buyer, as the only money you risk losing is the cost of the reports themselves, should there be too many problems. A small price to pay.
    If you offer and subsequently sign a contract first, however,…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Website for PRIVATE property sales ? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Originally posted by stephencampbell:
    Thanks very much Jacque for the advice.

    We’re looking to buy anywhere in and around Sydney, with a view to renovating and selling.


    Whereabouts? If I can help with specific information (depends on location) let me know :)

    Totally…[Read more]

  • Pro-Active replied to the topic Want to get out of rental lease early in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Originally posted by Mortgage Hunter:
    Originally posted by Pro-Active:
    Originally posted by Mortgage Hunter:

    However there is no reason why you cannot ask them to leave, offer to pay their costs to move or any other avenue which gives them some choice and incentive in the matter.

    I suspect the PM doesn’t wish to lose the rental. Each rental…[Read more]

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