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  • Profile photo of princesshayley

    Thanks everyone,

    Certainly opened my eyes a little.  Raised a couple of points I hadn't though of and some I had but not in enough depth.  I think at this stage I'll just keep trying to learn as much as possible and hunt for the more simple deals to begin with.  I can broaden my horizons once I'm more confident.

    Thanks again

    Profile photo of princesshayley
    Profile photo of princesshayley

    how bout i just stop using the entire thing al together instead.

    Profile photo of princesshayley

    as far as not an advertising board goes? Your advertising your place of business every time you comment. I doubt that's an accident?

    Profile photo of princesshayley

    im selling because I cant afford an additional property atm.  Family commitments too high.

    Profile photo of princesshayley

    cheers for your comment, put it on the market today and feel instantly releived :)

    Profile photo of princesshayley

    The worst people i've gotten were from advertising on, after the druggo and the paint sniffers i no longer do that hehe.  alternatively i advertise in the local paper, i generally get a lot of calls but more often then not people dont bother showing up when they say they will etc. I put my details down for an agent my dad used to get his share people but I never heard anything.

    as for the spook thing I've had many weirdos, mainly males.  I've learnt like you to go with my gut also.  unfortuntly I'm too nice and deffinatly too nieve.  I'm only 23 an know noone in my situation so it was all trial and error really.  I have a couple in one of my rooms atm and they are awesome.  we get aong really well and they're extreemly helpfull.  they're even going to [aint the outside of my house in exchange for a couple weeks free rent.

    like i said, trial and error :)

    but yes sounds like you have the better idea about it all.

    god luck with it :)


    Profile photo of princesshayley

    ooo well there you go. thanks

    Profile photo of princesshayley

    I have a purtey little dual cab hilux 4wd ute :D
    and like the original post my dream car is a f150/ f250 or a hummer

    who says dainty young chicks can't ahve big cars and even bigger aspirations :)

    Profile photo of princesshayley

    This will sound silly. but whats the difference between a buyers agent and just an agent? be nice I'm new, young and nieve :-)

    Profile photo of princesshayley

    I have been renting out spare rooms in the house I live in for the last 2 years.  Given largely due to the arease but I have had hassle after hasle after hassle.  One fellow was only here for 3 weeks and because I was working full time at that stage I wasn't home much.  when I finally got a day off I was woken by 5 police officers with a search warrant as this darling cherrub was dealing drugs from my house while I was at work.  Luckily I wasn't dragged into it all but as a result it's on my house's record and I'm now known as a drug house by local police.  i've also had a paint sniffing couple who lasted 4 days and various other weirdos who appear normal until the week after they move in. 

    aside from that I have had possibly the grubbiest people in the world here.  None of them respect your property as most of them will never have property of their own.  Overall I don't think the profits made were nearly enough to cover the damage to my possesions or house reputation. 

    It's because of this I would be VERY warey of who you get in.  make sure you trust your property managers instinct and make sure they check their references.

    I will also add that I'm reletivley new to all of this and I'm sure most of the mistakes could have been avoided by a more experienced person.

    Goood Luck


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