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  • premiumestate replied to the topic Property Investment in the Republic Of Macedonia in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago

    Hello All, This is a free forum and everybody from elsewhere is free to post topics and comments. We are not trying just to convince people to invest in Macedonia, we want people to know the country and then decide if they want to invest.

  • premiumestate replied to the topic Property Investment in the Republic Of Macedonia in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago

    Hello,It is true that America is a better place for investment, but we are talking about two completely different places. We are just trying to introduce our country to the world and present its beauties. Is there something wrong with that? The countries from the Balkans are developing more and more in the last years and it is true that they are…[Read more]

  • premiumestate replied to the topic Property Investment in the Republic Of Macedonia in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago

    Hello, We do not want to convince you that you are not right. It is true that there is 30 % unemployment in Macedonia. It is true that the government is not the ideal one as well it is true that the country has many disputable issues. But as well it is true that Macedonia is trying to cover the requirements of the EU and enter the EU together…[Read more]


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