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  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic Subdividing- Avoiding Pitfalls in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Hi all
    Level blocks are great. My point is that what appears to be level often isn’t. If you can’t get access to sewer and stormwater pipes then you can’t develop. A builder once told me, in his blunt way, that shi… sorry effluent doesn’t run uphill. If the block does slope away from the road it pays to check the depth of the pipes as often the…[Read more]

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic Professional services advise needed in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Unicorn
    I am an agent in Penrith. I have also noticed that finacial planners tend to focus on the products that they make money on – as do I. There are two in Penrith that I know of who understand property. Drop me an email for their contact details. I ahve been harrassing them about the same things you have mentioned so they should be on the…[Read more]

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic Positive gearing versus negative gearing in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    I expected a bit more fire from the forum as it seems that the majority of you have built your strategy around positive cash flow.
    I am not saying that either is better as I believe that it depends on your end goals as to which strategy works for you.
    What I would like is solid argument about why you have chosen a particular startegy and how it…[Read more]

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic Investment information nights in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    You’re right content means everything.
    It sounds like a lot of people in this forum spend a lot of time learning.
    How many seminars do you do before you feel confident to invest?
    Is it an ongoing learning process?
    There is a lot of talk about doing your homework. Who do people rely on to complete their research?
    Thanks again

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic Investment information nights in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    You guys (and girls ) are a wealth of info.
    I would not charge anything for my seminars.
    Their purpose is to educate a group of investors in the hope that they would rely on me to source their inv properties.
    My commisions would be paid for by the vendors at the same fee I charge for residential sales.
    A large part of my client base pays way to…[Read more]

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic I want to be a Real Estate Agent in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Visited Vic last year and was super imoressed with how Phillip Webb runs his business.
    Knock on his door.
    I learnt more from him than you ever will from Mr Jenman

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic Sydney Real Estate Scam in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Just goes to show the value of doing your homework.

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic Subdividing- Avoiding Pitfalls in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    Definately offer on all 3 and tell the agent to let each owner know what you have done. This works better if you can offer to settle quickly.
    Check drainage. Sometimes a block looks like it is level but this is not always the case.
    Local plumbers normally know more about drainage than anyone else.
    Happy haggling

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic How to Choose an Agent in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi beancounter
    A property is only worth what someone is willing to pay no matter how scarce.
    If you want to ensure you get the best price on a given day then put it up for auction.
    If it is so scarce then the bidding will reflect the properties attributes.
    As to chosing an agent look for the one that has the best track record. What have they…[Read more]

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic Investment information nights in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    Anubis – Redwing – Depreciator
    Thanks very much for your comments.
    Firstly, I am a licensed Real Estate agent so the only advice I would give is my experience of property and the investment strategies that I learnt thru my own efforts and thru watching others.
    I agree wholeheartedly that you can’t take advice on anything from someone who hasn’t…[Read more]

  • prdnationwide1 replied to the topic Ethical Dilemma – would you disclose? in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    The truth always comes out in the end.
    Better to disclose and attract the right buyer than to ruin your credibility by bending the truth.

