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  • Hey Jane, I'd appreciate a copy too.  Would you be able to send it to my profile address?  Your profile says you are not accepting emails.Thanks.

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Carla may well be right, I am just going on what we have 'enjoyed'.  Monthly updates of 'just one more month, due to (insert lame reason here)'.  I recognised the pictures of the plan on her website as the same as the ones we bought.  The two developments appear to be back-to-back on to Queen Elizabeth Drive bordering the shops I mentioned.  Sen…[Read more]

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hey guys,Interesting.  There are a set of identical units just being finished near the local shops.  I bought one off the plan.  The downside (don't laugh too much) is they are now TWO YEARS past their original completion date.  They were due for completion late 2009.  The builder went bust not long ago, and the construction was taken over by anot…[Read more]

  • People in ACT use  It's great and seems to have none of the problems you mention.  It's boast is that 99-100% of new home buyers look at the site in Canberra.

  • Hey Tobyson,I don't know about the pool, but one of my properties in Dysart rents for $950/week, and the other for $1200/week.  No pools between them.  They have never been vacant in the two years I have had them, with one rent increase each in that time.  I have a great PM in the area who lines up the mining companies very efficiently.  Send me…[Read more]

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic Dysart QLD in the forum Hey PropertyGuru,
    I sent a
    14 years ago

    Hey PropertyGuru, I sent a PM with some info.  Let me know if I can help. 

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic iPhone Apps for investment properites in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    Head to the itunes store and go to the 'Finance' section.  Then it's up to you about how much you'd like to spend.  I coughed when I saw the price of it, but there's one called 'Property Evaluator' that looks good.

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic PURCHASING INVESTMENT PROPERTIES IN MINING TOWNS?? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hey Fingers,I don't suppose the one you sold in Dysart was in Singleton St? :-)

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic DYSART PROPERTY MANAGER in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hey Fingers, I rent out my property in Dysart through Vision RE.  They do a steady, professional job.  I am signing them up for my new one in Dyart when it's finished, so obviously I think they are doing worthwhile work.  They do most of their work through the mining companies of the area.  Kerry and Renee are my contacts.Vision Real Est…[Read more]

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic Morgatge Broker ACT in the forum Finance 15 years ago

    David Friend at Ellison and Tiffen in Kingston.  We've gone to him for 6 properties.  He has saved us a fair bit of cash with some very good suggestions, including offset accounts.Greg

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic Dysart QLD in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    We have one place under construction in Dysart, and several offers rejected as their owners are keeping properties close at the moment.  Wildly CF+ each one, and the CG seems to be well worth it as well.  Our $374k off the plan just sold for $395k on the open market in the same complex.Have fun.

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic FREE Residex Report Australia wide in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    Richard,Thereport is brilliant.  20 minutes after asking for it, I was sifting through all the great data.Thanks very much. Feel like doing a few more for me? Prattman32

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic Canberra Accountant Needed in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years ago

    Hey,gee first time on the site in a few years… Prattman28 is a few years behind the actual age! :-)

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic Accountant & Solicitor in Canberra? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago


    Jan McNutt is a great solicitor for conveyancing as she is a no-nonsense lady who tramples any of the little concerns that pop up when buying or selling.

    Beverly Alley in Rivett is an excellent accountant for IPs, and gets a great return each year and knows all the information needed.

    Have fun.

    A job is fun, but….

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic Canberra property investors – thoughts sought in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    That depends on where in Queanbeyan you’re looking… The difference between one side of the river and the other is impressive… I have a friend who did very well with her ex-PPOR in the area closest to Canberra. I still like buying units in Belconnen more… [biggrin]Happy hunting.

  • Prattman77 replied to the topic Landlord Insurance in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    We just changed from Westpac (contents and landlords ins.) to AAMI yesterday, saving $1500 on 4 properties. They were helpful, patient and very cheap. Better everything, for less…. Westpac’s renewal message was their first, and last message we received from them, two weeks after their cover finished… a good reason to change if nothing…[Read more]
