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  • powmow replied to the topic cement sheets in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    another way of cladding a timber framed home and rendering it, is by using foam.

    we just finished building a house that had it done and it looks unreal.
    you get it in large sheets and just tack it on to the timber frame with special nails

    its light (no bad backs), cheap and gives you great insulation. its like a big esky!

    hope this helps


  • powmow replied to the topic 19 year old, whats my next step? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    phil i tried to email you a few times but it didn’t work.

    my e-mail is

    if you wouldn’t mind sending it to me that would be great

  • powmow replied to the topic 19 year old, whats my next step? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    hey phil,

    if if you wouldnt mind, i would be greatly appreciative if you could also send me a copy. i have e-mailed you so if you get time that would be fantastic.


  • powmow replied to the topic Blueboards in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    if your in sydney, try hardware and general. they have three stores one in Brookvale, Peakhurst and somewhere else.

    if possible and you know a builder, get him to buy it for you at trade prices and then just give him the money.

  • powmow replied to the topic Degree in property? in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    hey qqq,
    in 2003, i started the course at UWS in sydney. (they also run it at UTS sydney).

    i was doing the course because i originally wanted to be a valuer. i found that i really enjoyed the property subject that i was doing, but the economic subjects (eg.micro and macro)
    i found to be really dry and boring, so i left after a semester and went…[Read more]

  • powmow replied to the topic NSW property vendor tax NOW abolished… in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    i read something that said it will have quite a large impact on small investors, but for larger, long-term investors they knew that one day it would be abolished.

    i reckon the market will be given a slight boost, with maybe not as many people drifting over the border to QLD or WA etc to invest.

    it will be interesting to see….

  • powmow replied to the topic Access to property b4 settelement in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    thats fantastic.

    good on you, and as you said its a win-win for both parties…

  • powmow replied to the topic Access to property b4 settelement in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    congratulations mccoz!

    may i ask what it was you did to win the agent and the vendor over?

  • powmow replied to the topic King of your Castle in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    you would definitely have to way up the pro’s and con’s of living with your tenants.

    it could turn out for the better as well though, eg, being able to keep an eye on them and also creating a good relationship with them etc.

  • powmow replied to the topic Development in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    gday jacob,

    hows it going? there are a few things you would have to find out first i think.

    1. you would have to find out if the block is suitable for subdivision.

    2. it may be hard for you to get finance at 20 (i’m 20 too), so you may need your parents help

    3. and i think you would also have to look at what
    other houses of the same landsize,…[Read more]

  • powmow replied to the topic Box Gutters in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    i agree with tBS, a roof plumber would be your best option. if you are lucky, the roof plumber may have been a builder /carpenter and he just changed trades. i know the guy our company uses used to be a he might be able to carry out all the work for you.

    good luck.

  • powmow replied to the topic info on property investment tax… in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    thanks for that simon!

  • powmow replied to the topic house, unit or location in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    i think there are way too many variances that come with that question to give a proper answer.

  • powmow replied to the topic info on property investment tax… in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    does anyone know the answer?

  • powmow replied to the topic Helpful Research Sites? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    not meaning to sound rude Yorker, but what makes your “info” so good that it is worth paying for?[hmmm]

  • powmow replied to the topic info on property investment tax… in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    thanks for the reply kay henry,

    does the 12% net profit take into account building materials or anything like that needed for renovation?
    and is the rate around 2%?

    thanks again…

  • powmow replied to the topic Lets have a bet $$$ in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    hey still,

    i really dont have much of an idea but my gut feeling reckons between 9 – 9.5% [?]

    just havin a guess


  • powmow replied to the topic HOUSE FOR SALE FOR $51,000 in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    sorry to dissapoint both you and peterp my nickname has nothing to do with the word “postmodernism”

    my last name is Pollnow and it just evolved from there


  • powmow replied to the topic HOUSE FOR SALE FOR $51,000 in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    alright ‘Kay Henry’,

    why dont you tell us some of the other criteria you use for sorting through properties and finding ones that need further looking into??

    [?] Powmow [?]

  • powmow replied to the topic am I an idiot? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    gday Judith,

    if you do go with Bill’s idea you could drop the price down a bit as you don’t have to pay commision.

    if you are paying 3% you could knock $7500 off the asking price….

    just remember that it is alot of work trying to sell a property all by yourself. Advertising can be more expensive with Newspapers as Agents normally have a deal…[Read more]

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