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  • pousti replied to the topic Ss complete ver 1.0 in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    ill have one thanx


    So far i have 4 people willing to help out, once i get 10, i will send a copy to all of them and then anyone else who wants a copy can try and get one off one of those 10 people by sending them an email




  • pousti replied to the topic New to this stuff in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi Sophie,

    I will certainly let you know if i hear anything about meetings.

    Touch base with me if u find out b4 me


    Hi Pousti,
    I’m interested in meetings in Melb too. Let me know if you hear of any.
    PS I’d go for CF+ve cos why earn a tax break to lose money when you can get a tax break to MAKE money (if you do it right)


  • pousti replied to the topic New to this stuff in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi Mel

    Thanx for yre feedback

    Yeah well i suppose yre right i probably do need a good team of brokers and accountants, and plenty more research.

    Brokers and accountants, why would i need both, whats the difference, im new to this game mel.

    thanx in advance[:)

    Hi Pousti,

    Good start!! I think reading a bit about the pros and cons of…

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