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  • Pos replied to the topic Advance Property Research Guarantee a joke in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 7 months ago

    Terryw wrote:
    Hi PosYes, understandable. But if the company is still trading you should report them to dept of fair trading. You can see the status of the company at (ie if it is liquidation etc)

    terry,i am in the process of doing that, have already made a formal complaint to fair trading, they recommended that i also make a…[Read more]

  • Pos replied to the topic Advance Property Research Guarantee a joke in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 7 months ago

    Terryw wrote:
    Pos,You should also realise that a company is legally a separate entity. Even if he owns 100% of the shares and is a director it is different. So if the company gives the guarantee and goes under the person behind the company is not personally liable unless they have personally provided guarantees. (the directors, even shadow…[Read more]

  • Pos replied to the topic Advance Property Research Guarantee a joke in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 7 months ago

    daniellee wrote:
    Hi, PosClearly, if a product is that amazingly good, it does not require a guarantee.What are your plans for the property then?RegardsDaniel

    Daniellee,who said it was amazingly good?  You are right!   It shouldn't have needed a guarantee. I can't believe what an idiot I am. Unfortunately for me I was suckered by a pr…[Read more]

  • Pos replied to the topic Advance Property Research Guarantee a joke in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 7 months ago

    Rhys_Roberts wrote:
    If you can afford it I suggest that you sue anyway and bankrupt the bastard. That will prevent him doing the same thing to other people.

    I would love to sue him and bankrupt him, however i think bad publicity will do it for me at no extra cost.  I have lodged a complaint with Fair Trading ( false and misleading  )and they ha…[Read more]


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