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  • Profile photo of porkchopsporkchops
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks for your reply and so promptly.
    Yes we are self employed so income looks better on paper. Have dealt with this bank for quite some time and have a good relationship with manager. Yes we have to pay mrtg ins which i’m trying to avoid as more borrowing means more repayments. will go and shop around to see if bank will match.
    Bank suggested fixed rate. I am not happy with this idea as it makes repayments higher for the short term. Think he suggested it due to low income.
    Can we refinance PPOR into equity mgr or interest only and draw part of the money for the IP so not to pay mrtg duty and how does this work for tax?
    Maybe need a finance adviser. Know of one down here on GC?


    Profile photo of porkchopsporkchops
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Thanx Dreamer
    Have been looking for +cashflow props and not having much luck. Me thinks I have much to learn!!!
    My partner is a registerd builder but not actively building at mo. thus the development of duplex and renos quite viable.Will look further into this +cashflow thing.
    Cheers. mel

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