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has anyone had anything to with the st louis or memphis markets?
i posted a comment in october last year, stating that i thought our economy would be in a recession by now, and we now are, given the mismanagement of this country by the rudd & now the galah goverment, not to mention glen stevens raising rates because he thought something might happen later in the year. i don't believe we were or have been affected by the GFC, apart from the intial fallout with the banks, which the RBA took care of as is there job. there is no confidence left in this country and while people are unsure what this government is going to do next, they will continue to not spend money, whether it's retail,business,housing or anything else. we desperately need an election to get rid of this current woefull excuse for a government. if we wait another 2 yrs, imagine how long it's going to take to get us back on our feet, that is of cause, if there is anybody left with a job let alone a business