pjglasgow replied to the topic Darwin market in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Palmerston has changed a fair bit since 1992. I have lived there since 1984. We went through the palmerslum phase which started to change after about 1995. Although alot of the old local still like to call it palmerslum.
Gunn is a delfin developed suburub, build around an escarpment. Its other name is the chase. Better quality housing in the…[Read more]
pjglasgow replied to the topic Can anyone recommened a Landlord Insurance Company in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
CGU provide building, contents and also land lord protection insurance.
I have found this cheaper than purchasing the land lord protection insurance from my property managers. I have saved nearly $200 a go each time.
I believe land lord protection insurance is a good idea, particuarily the loss of rent option.
pjglasgow replied to the topic Darwin Conveyancer in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
I have used Cridlands in the past. They are not bad. Everything went pretty smoothly.
pjglasgow replied to the topic Darwin Property Manager in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
I have been using Homestead Realty for about 6 months now. I have a really good property manager who also has a property of her own. I have found that if the property managers have investment properties of their own they are more effective at their job, as they understanding what you are going through.
I currently have a couple of properties…[Read more]
pjglasgow replied to the topic Darwin market in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
I have lived in Darwin for nearly 28 years. I have been investing in the Darwin market since 1998. The market did nothing really for most of those years. It has really started to move in Darwin in about the last 15 months. I am not personally looking to invest in any more property in Darwin. I think that the prices have shifted to far. I…[Read more]