PJCwasHere replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
So, from a real-estate point of view… if you really want to protect your ‘valuables’, then…
The BEST Solution is:
Honour the Marriage Covenent!
A legal contract can always be broken or renegotiated with good lawyers.
But a Covenant is for life! Till death do you part. Love your spouse for life!
Pre-nups & DeFacto relationships are a…[Read more]
PJCwasHere replied to the topic need help in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Well you have started in the right way….ASK QUESTIONS.
But learning to ask the RIGHT questions is the key. May I recommend you register for the next available MasterClass by Steve McKnight… then you will KNOW why your questions are not quite the right questions to ask. Best of all, you will know what to ask for AND fasttrack your Investing.
PJCwasHere replied to the topic Master Class in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
TOSOBA you beat me. What an awesome day at the MasterClass.
Steve, first action step completed – post in this forum.
Second step completed – start the ‘team’; 1st person on board. meeting Monday to discuss details with second person.. Wow! Momentum really does built once one is focussed on solutions to problems… this stuff really works…thanks.PJCwasHere replied to the topic Positive Cashflow Calculator in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Awesome work. Appreciate the online AND offline option. Well Done.