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  • pitto replied to the topic Defence Housing in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks for your comment ip freely, I totally agree with that, the problem in this case did revolve around errors in assessment.   Just for info of others who may visit this topic DHA have agreed with my valuation and have refunded all my costs involved in obtaining a settlement on a voluntary basis.   The Managing Director personally called me to…[Read more]

  • pitto replied to the topic Defence Housing in the forum IP Freely wrote:pitto 15 years, 10 months ago

    IP Freely wrote:

    pitto wrote:
    Clearly having knowledge of the rental valuation for exactly the same type of property and then withholding this information from another owner would be held to be in breach of this duty.  That's not to mention that not doing so is in breach of DHA's customer service charter and morally debatable from a g…[Read more]

  • pitto replied to the topic Defence Housing in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 10 months ago

    IP Freely wrote:
    Pitto, it is not up to DHA to increase the rents on all properties if you have successfully argued an increase/difference in valuation on your property. This is not in the best interest of the tenant (DHA has sold you the property and is leasing it back from you with an agreed mechanism for rent reviews).If the adjoining…[Read more]

  • pitto replied to the topic Defence Housing in the forum Hi trustieone,
    Yes they
    15 years, 10 months ago

    Hi trustieone,Yes they backdate rent to the start of the calender year when the rentals are varied.  No loss to you except the independant valuation fee and the time you take in the process.Interesting question about nearby properties, I know the place next door is a DHA rental and am currently obtaining evidence from the owner regarding his re…[Read more]

  • pitto replied to the topic Defence Housing in the forum Just an update, our valuer 15 years, 10 months ago

    Just an update, our valuer came back with a rent of $525 per week,  that is $55 a week more than the DHA valuer.   It will be interesting to hear from DHA, frankly I don't know how they don't get embrassed when they get caught out like this.   They say that 99% of people are happy with their valuation, make that either happy, ignornant of the corr…[Read more]

  • pitto replied to the topic Defence Housing in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 11 months ago

    Hi,In answer to your questions

    IP Freely wrote:
    Pitto, there is usually a dispute resolution mechanism in the agreement eg a third independent valuer appointed to adjudicate or the two valuers come to some agreement as to which are the most appropriate/comparable premises, does such a clause exist in your management agreement?The 2 valuers…[Read more]

  • pitto replied to the topic Defence Housing in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 11 months ago

    In answer to Defence Housing's justification of their valuation process I understand that on a superficial basis the valuation process is independent, however, anyone that believes that a valuer with a contract to value such a large number of homes each year is not subconsciously biased towards their client (in the hope of retaining the large &…[Read more]

  • pitto replied to the topic Defence Housing in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 11 months ago

    I have had a DHA property in Brisbane for 2 years.   My opinion on the main issues raised are:1.   Price – the properties are usually higher than market value but you can win here with a bit of research and some patience.  We paid $450,000 for our property (this is in a complex amongst the same type of properties so it is easy to value), it had…[Read more]


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