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  • Profile photo of Pisces27Pisces27
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 3

    I guess educating myself on the whole tax system is a better way of going, than just relying on my accountant to sort through the paper work.

    Thanks duckster I have down loaded those documents to read.

    I had a statement of advice done by a financial planner, But i find it a little diffulcult to take advice from people who arn't already successful in investing. It all looks good on paper.

    Profile photo of Pisces27Pisces27
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 3

    Thanks for the replys! I have a depreciation report on the way. My Accountant is going to re-submit my tax return.

    I am in a position to buy another IP but it seems like a huge outlay just to incease my tax return. The financial advisor recommends me to buy another one, but he wants big $$ to implement this strategie.


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