Pink Panther replied to the topic One Mentor plus Steve for RESULTS!!!!! in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago
Originally posted by cbellesini:
Steve did provide a cooling off period in which a full refund was offered if you did not want to proceed. I have always found Steve honest and genuine in all his seminars and products and am impressed that the teacher in him is helping people achieve their goals. Good on him for continually coming up with new and…[Read more]Pink Panther replied to the topic One Mentor plus Steve for RESULTS!!!!! in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago
Instead of jumping to conclusions about how terrible the program is, why not ask the guys who are doing it right now. I am sure you will get mixed responses but really, you should get more of an idea than listening to someone who doesn’t know anything about it, and has probably never been to any of the seminars etc…
I assume we aren’t in…[Read more]
Pink Panther replied to the topic Interesting property, no ideas in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Is it near a uni? Instead of a B n B that needs constant attention, you could make it a university boarding house?? How many rooms? How many would have to share bathrooms etc?
How much rent vs. value – not sure it would be worth it?
Lots of $$ to outlay if then cannot onsell.
Find out why it’s not selling, why wouldn’t someone who can afford it…[Read more]Pink Panther replied to the topic If I gave you 1 mil were invest and what return in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago
hmmm, well, I would start with banking the money in high interest return.
Then off to another state to go buy 3 low end properties in WA (already sorced btw, no capital hint hint – hehe [wink3])
As followsProperty 1 – (a solution I admit) $60K / $130 rent p/w.
Property 2 – Large land Needs new bathroom (major) new kitchen (minor) new carpet,…[Read more]
Pink Panther replied to the topic Subletting Advice in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
i am also looking to do this as it seems to be a good way to get some extra income to help build som ecapital for the othe rinvesting strategies.
My question is on structure, how would you set it up? Especially if one has a partner?
Pink Panther replied to the topic Martin Ayles – Sydney Property Masterclass in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
Same here, was at the seminar but funds aren’t flowing freely at the moment. I would love any sort of knowledge / mentoring from Martyn. Excellent speaker. Always wanted to get into property development but it always seemed out of reach, he made it seem very possible finally!
The name of his book would be great.