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  • Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    Hi Everyone,

    I have noticed that there isn’t much constructive criticism in this forum …

    I read a few days ago about someone saying that negative gearing isn’t ALWAYS bad. Then someone said something to the effect “Well you might have to work for me one day”. Turned out that the first guy is a multi-millionaire in his late 20s!!!! Might be worth listing to him.

    Unfortunately he hasn’t posted back. I do hope he is still around as I am sure we could all learn a lot from him.

    I am also worried about this over hype business and this “negative” bashing that is going on.

    You can be as positive as you want, but so were a lot of people in the share market in 1986. What worries me is that people are saying “it is difficult to find positive geared properties.”

    Others are saying “No it is not”

    So the first positive geared property they come across (I am worried) people will just buy it because they have found the “Holy Grail”, without doing due diligence.

    Let me put this straight too. I have found PLENTY of positively geared properties on the NET. but haven’t bought any. Why? because they are so far from anywhere or so dodgy that I couldn’t sleep at night if I owned one of them. Doesn’t mean there aren’t some good ones too. (I did find some that where half decent too. but what happens if the mine shuts down or the processing plant closes or evryone leaves town?)

    What I am saying is: just be careful and do your research first!

    Is this being critical or negative?

    I think that this is what a lot of people have been trying to say and have been labeled “negative” for, wrongly.


    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    Hi Crashy,

    *** Warning: I know nothing about shares! ***

    Will this be the case for every year or is it only the year the buyback happens.

    On another note.

    If you were to make a net profit of $400,000 in a given financial year, How could you minimise your tax bill to less than $5,000 say?


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