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  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Neg geared – Positive Cashflow IP in the forum General Property 21 years ago


    I was not talking about pecentage terms but “likelihood”.

    The more properties you have the greater the risk that at least one of them at any point in time will go wrong…

    I am not talking about something major, just little things… things you need to attend to… things that just require a lot of…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic How to find +CFP’s in Australia?? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi sis,

    You may not tell them but I will ;)


    P.S: Hmmm, OK you are right there are one or two things I wouldn’t tell but not so that I “can keep an edge” but for other reasons…

    Let me leave you with this thought… You can give the absolute BEST info to people serve it in…[Read more]

  • Hi Shaun,

    quote:as for running through the numbers… why not!
    what do you need to know?

    Hmmm, actually it would be a bit too personal … I guess you could give us “dummy” numbers… Actually it would be too involved … I will leave it for your accountant to do ;)

    quote:it may not be worth it, cause everytime i came back from oversea’s i was…

    [Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Neg geared – Positive Cashflow IP in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    These are just general comments ….

    Some of you have mentioned loosing your “job” as a bad thing… might be a good thing [:D].

    What I said is you must make sure you have a “secure income stream” this does NOT mean you must have a secure job… definitely NOT!!!

    Let me give you an example… If you have 10 properties with equity of over…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic How to find +CFP’s in Australia?? in the forum General Property 21 years ago


    back to the initial topic:

    quote:How to find +CFP’s in Australia??

    You don’t find the best deals … you create them… please stop and think about that…

    I think that trying to constrain yourself to the sub $100,000 might actually be a hindrance…

    quote:s.i.s – Thanks for your reply also, seems you have some ‘secret’ methods that…

    [Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic $1,000,000 to spend but need question answered 1st in the forum No Subject 21 years ago


    Why don’t you re-lodge your tax return for the last 3 years and get your money back!
    yes this is very easy to do… talk to your accountant about it…

    Just think about it carefully though since it may not be worth it now… (since when you sell you will have to take into account the depreciation… and pay a little more tax on your…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Neg geared – Positive Cashflow IP in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Yes this is correct.

    Even though you can’t have an infinite amount of properties they generally are in higher growth areas .
    The only disadvantage is that you must have a secure income stream.

    But how many properties do you really want? and will you have the time to look after all of them … (trust me something ALWAYS goes wrong… the more you…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Cash on cash return in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    I thought we flogged this one to death not so long ago…

    Simply it is the amount of cash you “physically” put into a deal, to the amount of cash you get back from it…

    Therefore for positive geared propeties the cash on cash return can “potentially” be INFINITY… However I remember saying that it does not necessarly mean that “positively…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Please explain ? in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    quote:I’ve heard that the cgt discount from trusts may soon disappear and that trusts will become more like companies????

    Anyone else heard this??

    Doubt it… as long as politicians make the rules I think we are safe… they are the ones that use these structures most, I am…[Read more]

  • WOW!!! this topic has been swamped… ;)

    OK where to start…

    Oh yes, sorry I thought you already had an IP… Having an offest account on your PPOR is not that advantageous… (but worth having on your IP loans..)

    Yes, the interest on your PPOR is NOT tax deductable. I alredy said that, if you re-read my first post… (I am guilty of the…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic To pay off Home Loan, or splurge for a change? in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Hi Debra,

    Thanks for expalin that for me. Actually it is sometimes hard to keep track of posts I have posted to…

    Anyway if you want to see how much you actually save using this method check this…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Property beats shares in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Hmmmm, good point WayneL…

    I think the post is irrelevant since we can’t discuss shares anymore…

    I would say that property has worked very well for me, but at the same time I think that shares (if you know what you are doing) have their place… I am still learing though… or should I say: I sitll have A LOT to learn though ;)

    Will leave it…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Seminars, Gurus, etc. in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    quote:I want to see a share trader or property investor who does it fulltime without selling books and seminars. Does such a beast exist or would that be another amazing story?

    Yep they exist and there are plenty of them… you just have to look in the right places…

    quote:However it annoys me when they lead us to believe they make most of…

    [Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Steve’s 11 Second Solution in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi Steve,

    quote:I’ve found that the best deals need to be created, rather than simply found in newspapers and on the net.

    Thanks for pointing this out!


    For some creative ideas check out this post:

    and maybe this…[Read more]

  • quote:Yes it is an offset account – can you help?

    Sure!, and others will contribute as well…

    However to get a better picture let me ask you a few questions:

    What type of loan do you have on your PPOR and on your investment property and to which loan is the offset account linked?

    When you took the money out to spend on holidays etc… where…[Read more]

  • Hi Rugbyfan,

    Your questions are not that complicated … And yes there is a solution!

    But I need to cover a bit of ground first:

    you said:

    quote:The only downside with that is we have never saved a cent because we have been of the opinion it is better to get rid of debt. We have redrawn on the mortgage a number of times for renovations, o/s…

    [Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic To pay off Home Loan, or splurge for a change? in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Why don’t you do both? OK you may not be able to do this but this is just a thought…

    Do you have an investment property?

    If you had a postive cashflow property that was mortgaged with an Interest only loan, the surplus money that you have could be put into an offset account for you to spend on your personal things whenever you wanted to, and…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Change in Policy Re: Posts about Stocks/Shares in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    I understand Steve’s position completely … however I did really enjoy the posts form WayneL and some from Crashys … therefore I set up a forum for people to discuss “general investing” strategies here:

    Also there is no need to worry about ASIC on this forum…

    I do have some rules but they…[Read more]

  • pinit2000 replied to the topic Mackay in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi Steve,

    What do you mean by:

    quote: Once again – location isn’t as important and strategy.

    Did you mean “loaction isn’t as important AS strategy”?

    Could you please elaborate on this.


  • pinit2000 replied to the topic New article: Trade Management/Money Management in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Hi Wayne,

    Thanks for the article. Again it was an interesting read.

    One question: What is the mathematical formula for the “trailing exit” strategy?



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