pijoko replied to the topic Selling investment property, not sure about CGT in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Thanks for your advice. Can you please tell me who can give the valuation? Can it be a real estate agent, or does it have to be someone from the tax office?
pijoko replied to the topic Terminating Rental Property Management Contract in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Many thanks. Very useful information and advice.
pijoko replied to the topic Terminating Rental Property Management Contract in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks for all your suggestions.I'm just wondering how the 'hand over' will occur. Should I just turn up at the property and advise the current tenant that, as the owner, I will be taking over the property management, and give my contact details along with new bank account details.What is the usual procedure here? I guess I should also get my…[Read more]
pijoko replied to the topic Terminating Rental Property Management Contract in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks for your answers. I'm currently writing an email to my PM advising them that I wish to terminate the contract (I imagine that is sufficient for 'in writing'?)Yes, there is a 28 notice period, so good thing I checked.Thanks again.
pijoko replied to the topic Vinyl Flooring in the forum Value Adding 17 years ago
Buy some vinyl tiles and install yourself.You can buy them at places like bunnings for $1.22 for 30cmx30cm title. They are self adhesive (you peel off the paper backing) and are very easy to install.This is exactly what we did for our apartment, which we are planning on renting out soon.
pijoko replied to the topic Tax break from negatively geared property – HELP in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
My parter and I are in the same boat, currently purchasing a house to live after being owner occupiers of an apartment for two years. (see my previous post).I believe the tax benefits will depend on your income, the amount of interest paying on the investment, costs associated (eg strata fees, maintenance), but I would also like to hear advice…[Read more]
pijoko replied to the topic Strata Title Problems (Owner Occupier) in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
The block of units are located in Perth. There is only 1 lift and the building consists of 7 floors.
pijoko replied to the topic House near high voltage transmission lines in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Thanks for all your comments, we won't be going near any HV lines.