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  • piggy replied to the topic Usa property contacts in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years, 9 months ago


    As Richard said be careful of those who advertise on here to spot properties and line theer pockets in Us, there is an awful lot of it going on and it isn’t a good deal. Chances are that they are hooked up with a local company that pick up properties dirt cheap slap on a coat of paint and then mark them up 50%. The houses are then sold…[Read more]

  • piggy replied to the topic Positive Geared USA Investment Opportunities in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    pinotcat, have you accounted for buying costs and loan costs in the $50 +ve cashflow per week ?

  • piggy replied to the topic Positive Geared USA Investment Opportunities in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Mic, the latest National Association of Realtor Median House Price Reports has Buffalo rising by 1.6%over the last 12 months. I thought that is better than this can you post the summary of the report that predicts steady growth?

  • piggy replied to the topic Positive Geared USA Investment Opportunities in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hey that is my hand picked investement team !! the one on the left is my realtor, the middle is my property manager and the one on the left is my attorney….

  • piggy replied to the topic Positive Geared USA Investment Opportunities in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Don & Liz, its just like the Brady Bunch but hey at least they will stay tenants forever

  • piggy replied to the topic Positive Geared USA Investment Opportunities in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Wow nice reading I like coming back to this forum great article on flipping if the cop from Boston got screwed what chance do you have if you are a a gardener from Melbourne you would have to have rocks for brains if you bought of ebay. I am doing okay in good old Buffalo and know some others that are to we are just plain old buy and hold…[Read more]

  • piggy replied to the topic buying new zealand in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Rikky:
    Besides the couple of people making money from other people , does anyone have any good storys about the amout of cash flow they are making from up state new york.
    Plaese don’t answer if you are bird dogging or flipping or arrangeing finance or getting kick backs, I would like to hear from average investors.
    I…[Read more]

  • piggy replied to the topic Two Tier System Buyer Beware in the forum General Property 19 years, 1 month ago

    The email deal I seen is also selling on yield, I dont think the rents are overstated but whether the purchase price is inflated for Australians is the question

  • piggy replied to the topic McKnight buys 30 US homes for $1m in the forum No Subject 19 years, 6 months ago

    Last one from me on this one busy packing. This is free information from a local agent who has worked with Hunt Real Estate in the area for a very long time. But as Muppet said be wary of people offering information for free. I am going to meet up with him on Tuesday and take it from there.

    Both sides of the story I sent an agent in the Us…[Read more]

  • piggy replied to the topic McKnight buys 30 US homes for $1m in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago

    Quiggles, yes I have seen this post before and I should add that it was informative and helpful I also read API article and then after checking out that site posted yesterday noticed that you have posted on nyccashflow to.

    I am going to extend my stay and go to Philladelphia with a group form NYC they are getting killer deals there it might be…[Read more]

  • piggy replied to the topic McKnight buys 30 US homes for $1m in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for your PM offering support to my friend as it is the same guys. I am sure that they will take you up on it.

    I only posted to make the point to Muppet and in support of quiggles that buying is the easy part and it is debatable if you need to pay someone to help you with the easy part and in doing so you aren’t any further ahea…[Read more]

  • piggy replied to the topic McKnight buys 30 US homes for $1m in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago


    I have been checking out the Buffalo deals recently and was speaking to a guy who is buying property out there he actually told me to look at this forum. He told me to be very careful and that he bought a house off of some guys in Buffalo who were both in ozzie recently selling houses and has had nothing but trouble with it. As quiggles…[Read more]


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