I live just accross the river from Indooroopilly. I know of a few good local agents who would probably do a casual letting for you – find the tenant for a fixed fee – usually a weeks rent. Let me know if you would like there details
lrobbie at netspace.net.au
There isn’t anything wrong with auctions other than possibly that a vendor should be required to provide a pest control inspection report (or else an escape clause would take effect).
There are some wonderful surprises available at auctions. The only problem is that you never know beforehand whether many or few bidders will turn up for the property you are interested in.
Often the vendor is under pressure so you could strike it lucky !!! You’ll never know unless you spend the time and frequent the auctions.
Yes, a lot of work but would you really expect it to be otherwise ?
Akyboy, your question has been answered so I won’t repeat. But it raises other questions.
A good question on the LOC Luckyone, as it’s of interest to me. I had figured on aiming to get a LOC on my PPOR while the values are still high. The purpose of course to have cash in reserve for a future opportunity. I would however need to achieve more than the recent bank valuation after debt consolidation to do so. 80% in my case would require an extra $25K in the valuation.
Bill, I understand all that you have said. However, are you suggesting that a “friendly call from the bank” could occur when dropped values push the LVR above 80%? If so, I only see two options. Either a forced refinance by the bank back to P&I or sell up.
I know one of the guys in the Italiano ad. The balding one in the middle, last guy you see at the end of the ad. Norrie has a twin brother, so it might in fact be his brother. They did the double-up yoghurt ad and a Salsa dip ad dressed as vegetables. Funny guys. Looks like trick photography until you realise the twins.
Gee thanks Bronwen .. just what I need. Can you hear my teeth clenching? Bloody rabbits!! I won’t sleep again tonight .. thanks so much.
Hey Soosh, what a man your husband is! I’m glad that you qualified as to exactly how he wrote in the snow. The traditional method would of course have taken the edge from his romantic intention.
From my experience I have learnt that the vendor retains the right to bid on their own behalf. Although it’s a dummy bid, they aren’t about to declare that on the auction floor are they? You might even pick the dummy bidder, but how can you prove that either way? The vendor could make several bids closing near their reserve. The dummy bidder walks away, then the under bidder is approached for negotiation. It’s smoke and mirrors and I am in two minds about the morals of dummy bidding. The vendor won’t sell for less anyway so it does not really matter. Even if the vendor’s bid was not on the floor, you could not expect to pay any less than their genuine reserve.
The “one-bid only” you refer to may in fact be the other interpretation of a Dutch Auction. I recall that it usually appears in an auction of goods and chatels, or say at a clearing sale. The reserve price is declared by the Auctioneer to open the bidding. If it’s met or exceeded, the sale takes place. If not, it’s passed in. Clean cut.
I have found that topless girls on ride-on mowers do wonders to increase rent returns. Works well in group houses. No need to even drop the blades, just have them ride around wearing little more than a smile. Occupational Health and Safety issues restricted me though.”A Touch of Grass Pty Ltd” just wasn’t meant to be.
Seriously though, you can’t beat doing the gardening in a self-managed property. As an included service within the lease, I’m sure many busy people will pay a premium for the quiet and maintenance free enjoyment of a tenancy.
This won’t add massive value to your home, but it will add value to the rent. You can keep an eye on repairs and minimise inspections because you will visit frequently anyway.
I think someone spoke of the following, not sure. Promise a weeks perceived “free” rent provided every payment is on time, by having the tenant pay for it. At $250 a week, an extra $5 a week will pay for the week “free”.
Thoughts .. serviceabilty of existing and potential loans.
Whether for PPOR or IP will determine level of borrowing as 70% rental income is a base from which to start.
Your sex .. serious here. It’s all about stats. If male with child support, tax on cf+ income props will reduce from 50 cents to 32 cents in your pocket as any loss is added back for child maintenance purposes. And that’s only for one child.
You have had property before, assuming your credit history is good I’m sure you know the ins and outs of what you can do.
A basic answer I know, with respect to your privacy, it depends on your motivation and circumstance.
I like the Victorian Tourism TV ad, where no-one wants to leave.
“Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run ..
Don’t let the farmer have his fun
He’ll get by, without his rabbit pie,
So, run rabbit, run rabbit, run .. run .. run.”
It’s driving me nuts. I even refer to Friday as Rabbit Pie Day at work. Can’t get the goddam tune out of my head.
I guess you are talking cash rates. Buggered if I know the answer. But here’s my uneducated gut feeling: An increase of 0.25% by March 2004, then no more than another 0.50% increase by Christmas 2004.
If your old man wants to park some cash, would he consider investing it with his son??
We bought a property with $200. the bank lent us 110% of the asking price (Bank of Melbourne) which covered the stamp duty , including on the mortgage. All you have to have is another property with free equity. The bank then links both of them as security for the loan. So we ended up with two mortgages, one with our principal home and the other on the investment property. Once The investment property had gone up in value sufficiently so that the percentage equity was over 20%, I unlinked our home from the investment property mortgage.
We bought a property with $200. the bank lent us 110% of the asking price (Bank of Melbourne) which covered the stamp duty , including on the mortgage. All you have to have is another property with free equity. The bank then links both of them as security for the loan. So we ended up with two mortgages, one with our principal home and the other on the investment property. Once The investment property had gone up in value sufficiently so that the percentage equity was over 20%, I unlinked our home from the investment property mortgage.
Prop16, your story is very much different now compared with the details shown in the original post.
Originally you were talking about a purchase price of $ 80 k and a return of $ 14 K p.a.
It now appears as if the prices range from $ 80 K to $ 140 K and obviously the return of $ 14K p.a. would apply to the dearer units rather than the
$ 80 K units.
Even at this stage you don’t as yet appear to have any idea about the size of the unit so we all are really very much talking in the dark. What a waste of time and energy. It would have taken only a phonecall to find out a bit more about the details which are so very much relevant in making some sort of assessment as to whether it is worthwhile pursuing.
As far as the fact that the apartments have been advertised for a few weeks is concerned, it doesn’t necessarily automatically follow that the proposition isn’t any good.
It could actually work very much in your favour as the vendor may be under pressure to make some sales and that fact alone may well soften the vendor up a bit so that one can negotiate a better purchase price.
From what I assume is probably a return of around
$ 8,000 p.a. (gross) on a $ 80K investment appears to be O.K. under the circumstances.
In fact there appears to be a real good opportunity here to resell the units to the tenants (or even to combine two bedsitters into one larger unit !!!!
O.K., where did you say the location is ?
(I am actually quite serious there and would love to have a look at them).
All other aspects (for example finance) are very much things one would need to look into before one makes a commitment.
You’re right! Perhaps we could also import scabby-mouthed refugee sheep, print our own stamps with a caricature of a Queen from a far off land and call our country new Holland!!
Kind regards in jest,
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