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  • phoebe123 replied to the topic Build cost for Granny Flat? in the forum General Property 11 years, 6 months ago

    Hi guys, I’ve got a huge area at the back of my property and I thought “why not put it to use?” I could certainly make money off it if I build a granny flat in it right? I could have it rented out afterwards! Anyway, what are requirements for building Granny Flats? Are the laws for building granny flats different from state to state in Australia?…[Read more]

  • phoebe123 replied to the topic Build cost for Granny Flat? in the forum General Property 11 years, 6 months ago

     I’d say that is a fairly reasonable amount to pay for a flat of that size. You might want to add another $10k for water and electricity connections though.
    $80k for a 2 bedroom flat, I think you’ve got yourself a good deal already. You can get a cheaper price if you have a smaller flat built. The rest of the expenses would be used for furnishings…[Read more]

  • phoebe123 replied to the topic Build cost for Granny Flat? in the forum General Property 11 years, 6 months ago

     I’d say that is a fairly reasonable amount to pay for a flat of that size. You might want to add another $10k for water and electricity connections though.
     $80k for a 2 bedroom flat, I think you’ve got yourself a good deal already. You can get a cheaper price if you have a smaller flat built. The rest of the expenses would be used for…[Read more]


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