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  • Phillipe replied to the topic What’s your motivation? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    It looks like everyobody has a similar reason for chasing the same goal, being free do what we want when we want to do it. As for London, I have been here for 2 years and whilst it has been an experience I wouldn’t trade for any amount of money, if investing in property is your chosen career then I wouold say there is no better place to do it than…[Read more]

  • Phillipe replied to the topic Can I lease a property to myself? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    Hey Steph, I am not going to be orchestrating this all from London, I am going to go back to Oz to begin my career in wealth creation via IP, within the next few months, fingers crossed.

    Hey Phillipe,
    Cremin and I are in Mitcham! Other side of London to you!

    I went through your side of town the other day ont he way to the zoo. The…

    [Read more]

  • Phillipe replied to the topic Can I lease a property to myself? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    Hey Phillipe,
    Cremin and I are in Mitcham! Other side of London to you!

    I went through your side of town the other day ont he way to the zoo. The difference in suburbs is huge over that side of town! I am glad I live south of the river I am afraid.

    I can say that about the north part coz I also lived in Harlesden…[:O][:O][:O] I know!


    [Read more]

  • Phillipe replied to the topic Can I lease a property to myself? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    Westan, I am in Maida Vale, London. Just sold my first IP in Sydney and figure it is time to use the funds to start building a portfolio but just don’t want to make any mistake, want a proper plan before I do anything, thank God for this forum..

  • Phillipe replied to the topic Can I lease a property to myself? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks Mate I appreciate it..

    I don’t think so…you can lease a property from your trust. But talk to your accountant


  • Phillipe replied to the topic When can you quit your job and go full time in IP in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Hey Andrew, thanks for responding. I came to the conclusion that a limited company would be the best way forward really just from listening to people that have done well in IP as well as a few books, I have a reltively high income and thought that it would be the smartest move for tax purposes as well. I am 26, completely ignorant but having just…[Read more]

  • Phillipe replied to the topic When can you quit your job and go full time in IP in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Random question here, I have just sold an apartment in Sydney and have about $80k in the bank, I am about to register a limited company as this seems to be by everyones opinion the best way forward but is this enough capital to start a property investing business or am I just a kid dreaming of the bigtime?


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