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  • Phil_McRakin replied to the topic Is property investing really all its cracked up to be? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago

    foundation wrote:
    My thoughts? Wager only what you can afford to lose on short term movements. Understand the range of possibilities for the long term. Discard any advice that is based on impossible expectations. Invest on knowledge, not hope.

    Yeah…ahhh gee. thanks…Sooooooo anyway what are your thoughts-would you sell up/hold/or buy in?

  • Phil_McRakin replied to the topic Is property investing really all its cracked up to be? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago

    foundation wrote:

    Linar wrote:
    At the risk of being a party pooper I'm going to give my thoughts to Phil on the question he originally asked: "Is property investing all it's cracked up to be?" (in case anyone else has forgotten what the topic was)IN MY OPINION, the answer is Hell yes.

    Oh don't get me wrong. I'm in the same boat (sort of). The…[Read more]

  • Linar wrote:
    WowI read this thread looking for opinions on the actual question Phil asked and holy mackarel, my head hurts just from looking at the graphs without any attempt whatsoever to understand them.At the risk of being a party pooper I'm going to give my thoughts to Phil on the question he originally asked: "Is property investing all it's…[Read more]

  • Woooahh quite a bit of info to read through here!!! Sorry Im been flat out with work and not the chance to check back. What a great site this is though!!! From a quick glance it seems it has achieved what I was generally asking-it seems that a LOT of people have/are jumping into property investing without even doing the sums!!! Herd mentality at…[Read more]


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