Phil44 replied to the topic Lease options – increasing sale price for long option period in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 11 months ago
If it helps I posted a contract length calculator here.
It relies on some broad and slightly outdated assumptions but it will show how critical growth is to contract length and to your margin. The ebook on that page has a whole chapter on contract length that deals with the optimistic assumptions your buyer will be making in relation…[Read more]
Phil44 replied to the topic Use Vendor Finance To Buy An Investment Property? in the forum mattsta wrote:
hey all – 12 years, 8 months agomattsta wrote:
hey all – just to get back on the topic of using VF to buy an investment property…So, what if I find sellers (not vendor financiers/VF businesses) and I calculate that I my instalment contract payments are LESS or EQUAL TO the potential rental income that I could accumulate by renting out the property to someone else. As a…[Read more]Phil44 replied to the topic Transferring property in a company in the forum Thanks for the feedback 15 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for the feedback guys. I’ll do whatever comes along first.
Phil44 replied to the topic Working together? in the forum Creative Investing 17 years ago
Hi Darren Bear, Here's an alternative – I'll do it with 18 shareholders if you want with a simple non-JV structure and exit strategy. 55k each, 20 houses in Melbourne by May and you won't have to sign for the loans or do any work. Wrap the lot, keep any take-backs for rentals and put the +CF back into the loans.