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  • phanpeter replied to the topic Investing in Thai property in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Hi there

    Just attended the Masterclass in Perth where Dave spoke about his experiences in NZ & US.

    Some issues to consider
    * local knowledge ie getting out there and seeing the lay of the land yourself. How do you know the money you are paying of that investment is going to the investment and not someone’s dream porsche.
    * not too sure…[Read more]

  • phanpeter replied to the topic BuYing My FirSt ProperTy in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Hi there

    Just attended the MasterClass in Perth. Enjoyed it and learnt a lot. Very professionally run. Encourage anyone to go if have the opportunity.

    Steve suggested techniques as simple as asking eg “What is the price you’re willing to accept if I make a cash offer today?”

    Gets you a quick idea as to what the lowest number is going to be…[Read more]


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