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  • petejac1 replied to the topic Cash Flow Mining Towns in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Gladstone has had its boom, once the construction is done the work force is gone. I have been investing in solid mining towns for nearly a decade including Emerald, Mt Isa, Blackwater, Dysart and Moronbah.

    Capital Gains have always been there plus the great cash flow. People who say there isn’t any Capital Gains are the ones too scared to go…[Read more]

  • petejac1 replied to the topic Lee County Tax Lien in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    UnitedGenerally counties have a Lien Auction once year for any unpaid taxes for the previous years.  So no new ones come up.  I have had some success at purchasing liens on Mobile Homes.  I don't mind MH from a risk point as I own one in Florida as well.Real Auction is a good place to start, however they don't look after every county in the US, ho…[Read more]

  • Well I’m still getting a gross rental return of up to 40%, so who cares!

    Remember you are doing this for Cash Flow, any capital appreciation in the next 10 years is a bonus.

  • In regards to the comment about Fort Myers and too many foreign buyers. There are heaps of foreign and local buyers everywhere in the US. We obviously hear a lot about FM if you follow Steve and Tommy, but they aren’t the only ones. I don’t know much about Fort Worth but I am sure it’s exactly the same. You just have to Google the info and you…[Read more]

  • I love the comments from Nigal and Jay, because it seems they offer similar services, ofcourse your going to be pro Buyers Agents.All I am saying is if you are a Lazy Investor they are perfect.  But if you want to save yourself $10,000 get over there.

  • Just went to their seminar.  They basically prey on the lazing investor.  Easy talking, everything they say is correct from a point of issues in investing in the states.  But with a small amount of research one of the properties they were selling for $60,000, they had bought for $20,000, probably spent $5-$10k on rehab.  Yes they probably bou…[Read more]

  • Oh no my $25,000 house will go down by 10% a whopping $2,500!!!But hey I am still receiving a gross rental of 31%, people still need to live somewhere.We are doing this for the long term, repeat after me, Long Term.But I tell you what while you all sit on your hands and worry about the sky falling, I will get off my bum and get over there and buy…[Read more]

  • petejac1 replied to the topic HSBC or Citibank in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    You don't need a SSN.  As I have set up an LLC for "Asset Protection" they class this as a Business Bank Account and I am doing Direct Pay.  You have to be careful there is Direct Pay and then there is Bill Pay.

  • petejac1 replied to the topic HSBC or Citibank in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    In regards to the Wires with Wells Fargo/Wachovia, WF has a system called Direct Pay which seems to be cheaper then Wiring and easier, check out their website.

  • petejac1 replied to the topic Lee County Tax Lien in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Jay this forum was started for general info on Lee County Over The Counter not the pros and cons of Tax Lien investing, if you have a point to be made start your own Topic.

    Spierreyoung have a look at Real Auction to have a look at other Counties that have OTC Liens available. Another option is to look at Mobile Homes in Lee County. Also…[Read more]

  • petejac1 replied to the topic Lee County Tax Lien in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    This is why you do your research and due diligence on the liens you purchase. Have a look at Tommy Senatore’s Tax Lien Video. Spierreyoung I have been investing in liens in many counties, if you would like a more realistic opinion message me.

  • petejac1 replied to the topic Lee County Tax Lien in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Anyway, it does appear this year to be not as many Over the Counter ones available however there are plenty available in other Counties around Florida, start researching.  Most states aren't as User Friendly as Lee, but they are out there.

  • As everything here in Oz goes through my existing Trusts for tax and Protection purposes instead of it going directly to me.

  • Just me personally, in hindsight I should have set it up with the single member being my Discretionary trust here, but ultimately it is all coming back to me anyway. As it took nearly 8 months to get my ITIN I just wanted something set up over there to get started. You set an LLC in the States for the Protection so I felt I didn’t then need the…[Read more]

  • Cam, like a lot of people I know I have just set up a single member LLC.  I have heard some talk about C Corps but have also heard that you will in the long run pay a lot more tax.

  • Sorry Dwight me again,The 6 days are taken up by getting an understanding of the process because even though most things are the same, there are a lot of different requirements and cost, first 2 days are meeting contacts and understanding process of researching the areas, the next 2 days were out and about Fort Myers and Cape Coral plus looked at…[Read more]

  • petejac1 replied to the topic Meet me in the US? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Adrianqld, I am investing in the US and I am not getting paid a cent from anyone, maybe I should ask but!I recently attended Tommy Senatore's Mastermind Course and it was worth every cent.  I went out the week after the course and picked up 3 properties.  Since being back I am organizing complete reno's on 2 of them and because I met the team I h…[Read more]

  • The six days were great, first thing I will say, I am not getting paid from Tommy Senatore for anything I say!Mastermind was definitely worth every cent.  The way I looked at it was that it has taken me 10 years in Australia to build a multi property portfolio, but I want to do the same in the US but within 6 months. It is the small details that…[Read more]

  • petejac1 replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    It's a big call to say Dallas is the place to be, you are aware how big the US is?Morpheusbushy, I felt exactly the same way.  I recently completed TLD International's Mastermind training in Florida and I now have a greater understanding of the whole buying process in Florida if not the states, as every state is slightly different.  While over t…[Read more]

  • I applied for the ITIN via Tommy Senatore's course in Mel last year.  Tommy is going to be in Sydney for the Mega Conference so maybe contact TLD International in Fort Myers, +61 1 239 541 1517, they can send you a form to fill in so Tommy can notorise your documents. I think TLD are also notorising via Skype? just ask for Janel.  TLD also has a…[Read more]

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