Pepper replied to the topic help me make more money? please :) in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
At 16 your already stress free. If you wanna make money go to school study hard & then get a job!! [cigar]
Pepper replied to the topic Types of renters and their durations? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
From my experience poor quality places attract poor quality tennats and as for length of stay well that depends on how cheap the rent is!
Pepper replied to the topic journey VS race in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago
Originally posted by jess:
i was talking about a particular property—once someone else grabbed it, it’s gone for good. Isn’t this true…?Jess
No its not. Just cos you lost that oppotunity dosnt mean their wont be others even better. Loose one, find better one, isnt that so? [blink]
Pepper replied to the topic Neg G Property Not Selling – What to do? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
oh dear guess thats happens when you try to make quick bucks. You bought in 2002 its been on market over a year & now your lucking out. PI isnt a short term fix especially if you buy at top end of boom & try to sell in bottum end. Its like others said you gonna just have to drop price till someone bites! [confused2]
Pepper replied to the topic Positive geared properties in Perth. in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Oh I see what your, the “where” is about finding a problem not actually about which areas to look in that is location right? Okie dokie thanx gRamyre. [cigar]
Pepper replied to the topic Positive geared properties in Perth. in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Originally posted by Gramyre:
Read Steve’s latest book. It explains exactly where the +ve properties are______________________
I know I can, I know I can
It does? Can you tell me what pgs? I know it says where mappers bought but this if you look in same areas it not so easy to find more i think.[confused2]
Pepper replied to the topic versus Somersoft in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago
Somersoft is better value. MrMakelaar the link is to go to and i think the chat room is accessed thru there to.
Pepper replied to the topic Peter Spann – From Broke To MM in 7 yrs in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago
Hang on thats great to but didnt Steve Mcknight do it in half the time – like in 3.5 yrs? [cigar]
Pepper replied to the topic Oh no…. in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago
Shhhh don’t tell ppl that, they might post all kinda stuff cos they know you cant delete it!!
Pepper replied to the topic Tax Returns in the forum Legal & Accounting 21 years ago
Hi everyone,
Has anyone had there tax done online with that etax thing?? I was thinking about it but not sure if its a good idea. What does everyone here think or should i stick to using a tax agent??
Pepper replied to the topic Property Value Investor Report in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hi everyone,
My sister lives in nearby Newton and she reckons property prices have gone up quiet a bit. I checked out and found prices in Newtown, Prymont and Glebe to be round the 450k+ mark and this fitted in with the API mag figures. Then I did a search and found the reportsdata site info on here and look at there stats and…[Read more]
Pepper replied to the topic More on offer conditions … in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Hi Bennido,
Im not an RE agent but what do you expect them to tell you differently???
Its pretty simple really….the less “subject to” clauses the more appealing your offer will be. Its not rocket science!!!
Pepper replied to the topic creative suggestions to keep tenants “honest” in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Thats deception!!!!
Unless you tell them what the pics are for your deceiving them!!! Tsk tsk…shame on you!!![biggrin]
Pepper replied to the topic Complicated sale, need some help! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
WOW youre prepared to sell a property worth one million dollars for half!!!!
I reckon this is a “if it sounds to good to be true it usually is” scenario.
Pepper replied to the topic Discussion Groups — the good, bad and the ugly in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
I reckon just enjoy both and not worry about making a choice between them that way you get the best of both worlds!!!!! [biggrin]
Pepper replied to the topic About Monopoly … in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Maybe he gave up coz everyone ate all the good chockies on him??? [angry2]
Pepper replied to the topic Oh the Pain! in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Geez Louise!!!! Lots of deals falling through lately and not just mine!!! Oh well Hotrod look on the brite side and think of the money you saved!!!! [biggrin]
Pepper replied to the topic help me out with some ideas (pretty please) in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hey richmond thats a real bummer!!!
I know how you feel though my offer fell through also even though agent reckoned it was a sure thing and that the sellers were desparate for a sale!!!! Guess they werent that desparate after all coz they decided to rent it out instead!!!! Not to worry maybe next time hey???? [biggrin]
Pepper replied to the topic Book launch… and you’re invited! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
<<<<Maybe a few could come up from Victoria too.
Pistols at 10 paces!>>>Not sure I get your point here Rugbyfan but you saying theres nasties in Vic that dont like you sydneysiders???? [worried]
Pepper replied to the topic Subdivision costs, please? in the forum Value Adding 21 years ago
Hi Lisa,
Thanx for the post!!!! I wont be subdiving at this stage of property investing but if I ever decide to I’ll refer back to your post which I have copied into my VIP (very important proerty) info file!!! [biggrin]
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