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  • Sen,

    If I read your post are you inferring that I have a guilty conscience ?? nope… sorry…. I do things ethically, not only that, I do things with Morals….

    I dont have hidden agendas…..

    Evidence – sure can show….. it’s openly available if you care to look for it……

    Suggest you re-read my post…. let me spell it out in basic english….. YES THE GUY DOES GOOD, but he ALSO DOES BADLY ,which UNFORTUNATELY TARNISHES THE GOOD…..

    I have no personal reasons for or against Jenman…. I simply tell it like it is….. and when I see a wolf in sheep’s clothing I say so…..

    Can you seriously tell me that he has nothing to gain by training agents in his so called scheme ?? Then how else did he amass over $20mil in licencing fees and such……

    It’s about being impartial…. you can’t have your cake and eat it too…..


    Yes the basic principles are there…..

    Jenman fuels everyone’s FEARS to enable more sales through his system of agents…. which in turn satisfies who’s GREED ???

    The above mentions the two most commonly manipulated emotions out there…… guess who’s a master at it ?? The media, and, so called watchdogs, who happen to have a business on the side…..

    YES, he does good, but he ALSO does QUITE BADLY in many areas…. one of those is honesty…..

    If I went into the auto industry and started lecturing on how bad the industry was, I’d be seen as a looney… seeing as I only know a little about cars…..

    Why is Jenman different ?? He certainly seems to do a lot of preaching based on Newspaper articles he sees, or, worse yet, based on incorrect or biased information…….

    I have MUCH MORE RESPECT for people like Tim O’Dwyer who is out there exposing the cheats…. but guess what…. he doesn’t sell a system, or market property……. He’s a solicitor…. and he does not stand to gain if he warns people…

    THERE IS A DIFFERENCE…. see if you can spot it…..


    you have email……

    Mate… for $97 I would only say……

    Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained……..

    Most people would blow $97 on a good meal…… so… see how it pans out….. no great loss…..

    Let us know how it goes/went……

    Yaaaawwwwnnnnnn…… don’t tell me we are debating this again……..

    Guys, how about this ?? We stop thinking about Derivex and actually concentrate on investing…… ?? now isn’t that a strange concept…….

    I read the newsletter article, and, still my thought is :

    If Interest Rates going up by .25 – .5% is something that is a worry to you….. you should not be investing in property……

    Personally I look forward to the panicing stampede of so called property investors heading for the door…. I’ll be standing by the door ready to buy….


    Sorry but I can’t be bothered replying to what you are referring to by quoting a posting completely out of context…..

    The topic at the time was about Jenman, not about others…….

    Too busy out there INVESTING….. how about you ?? just bought 4 houses in the last ten days……


    Sorry, but the only attention Jenman seeks is for himself, and, more importantly, his systems….. so that he can make more money…..

    Get real will ya ? Steve does his investing and wraps with ethics. Sailing close to the wind… ?? you gotta be kidding me……

    Hi John,

    Sorry for my reply as I’m sure you arew probably wanting more, but I would suggest you have a good read of the Draft SEQ regional plan…. It’s available at



    <edited to read>

    More of the latter and less of the former.

    Hope that answers it for you…..


    Don’t forget, there is always a risk in wraps or any other investment or business……. ON BOTH SIDES……

    I’m sure if you look hard enough, there are many things sold that in effect are actually being wrapped to the consumer…..

    Cheap Phones, Cars, elctrical equipment……..



    Hi Foundation.

    Sorry, been busy getting ready for a buying trip ( renos this time….. )

    I’ll stay out of your little spat with others here, and, give you the benefit of the doubt….

    We signed up two additional houses on wraps this week……. #44 & #45

    The majority of people we deal with want a home to live in, not an IP….. hence a different mindset from what you and I have…. i.e. long term…. The main issue is about no longer throwing money out the window to a landlord and having nothing to show for it…..

    So far none of the houses we have purchased, or helped to purchase have dropped in price… We always buy below market value so have not had the problem you mentioned…

    If someone wants to walk away, we allow them to do so…. we do not penalise people for that, and, will return most if not all of their deposit…. after all we get the asset back…..

    In most cases we have had no issue in reselling the house at the same value. In some cases we have reviewed the property and decided to reno / sub-divide and turn a “normal” profit on the property….

    The main issue is mindset…. of the wrappee, and the wrapper…. We do everything openly, and, we COMMUNICATE with our customers…..

    We do not sell wildy inflated or overpriced houses to people…. the prices we sell at, are at basically market rate….

    Hope this helps your education process…..

    All of this, Jenman would not understand…..



    You may know the cost of everything…. but what about the value ????


    Thanks…. well, lets just say all are different, but, on average we earn about $100/week per house… after all expenses….

    we have set plans, so that quite a few pelicans are supported…. so. our goals are a bit larger…..

    Interesting subject….

    My thoughts which maybe crapola…….

    When you invest in property, it’s not like the stock market… i.e. a good entry or exit time…….

    You should be buying something that is going to generate you value, no matter WHEN you buy……

    The Pelicans don’t look at any of that… we look at a house and it’s value compared to the surrounding houses…. and only buy if we are quite sure of a gain….. this has worked well for us…. we just bought house #44 yesterday…..

    Just my thoughts…..

    You may know the cost of everything…. but what about the value ????

    More typical Jenman propoganda………

    Steve, PLEASE TELL US, you are asking your lawyers to look at his latest article…. I prey, just for once the little ponce oversteps the line……


    Nice to see you have seen the “messiah” first hand and you think the sun shines out of his nether regions…..

    The only real deal Jenman is interested in, is lining his own pockets using the ages old tactic of preaching fear to all and sundry……. Don’t tell me you are that gullible ??

    Most people here are MORE than Jenman’s measure…. we have integrity, and, we have open ethics, for all to see….

    If I’m in something to make money, hey, YOU WILL KNOW ABOUT IT….. I don’t hide my agenda(s) behind smoke and mirrors…..


    Thanks again for the comments….

    We will get there, and, once a positive outcome appears I will work with some other people, such as Tim O’Dwyer in QLD, to ensure that some of the more open minded watchdogs are happy….

    It’s all about how YOU treat your customers…. We have one family that is now looking at buying their 4th home with us…… now… what does that tell you ??? Oh.. and by the way we FULLY disclose……

    Jenman likes to preach using fear tactics, based on old or inaccurate opinionated information….. all he wants is for YOU the CONSUMER to deal with a JENMAN agent…. which obviously puts the $$$$ into who’s pocket ???

    Come on….. it’s all about business at the end of the day……

    You may know the cost of everything…. but what about the value ????


    We are talking to one of the big banks here on what is possible….

    At this stage we are working on the wrappee simply being transferred direct to the bank to continue payments of the 1st mortgage…..

    Obviously the way I have written this above is very simplistic…… but it should be possible…. 1 concern obviously is the privacy laws….

    People like Jenman get worked up based on incorrect and often one-sided information…….

    I have said this many many many times here and on other forums….. the main issues are about protecting the wrappee ( buyer )

    1. Name on title….. this is possible, BUT, how about protection for the wrapper ?? when for instance the wrappee stops making payments etc ??

    2. Wrap company folding….. as mentioned above….. BUT….. I would wager that people who are serious about wrapping properties manage finances appropriately, and there is really not much risk of this happening…. unless they over committ…. yes things happen… but if you are gonna be serious about it…. you manage your business/company properly…

    With the VFA kind of in limbo at the moment, it’s my sincere hope that there is some government regulation……

    As an experienced wrapper, I AM ALL FOR THE REGULATION AND PROTECTION of my customers……

    Oh… and by the way…. I sleep so well at night, having helped so many families to own their own home….. Most customers stay with us 12 months before re-financing…. We are helping people……

    Much better than just being a landlord……



    You may know the cost of everything…. but what about the value ????

    Torachan, your comments about wraps clearly shows ignorance……..

    Jenman is a modern day bully, making his case for his own systems, which put money into his pockets…… <edited>

    Please if you want to discuss wraps, I suggest you learn their workings first…. <edited>

    Steve – CONGRATS on what looks like a good product…..

    I look forward to using my copy when it gets here…..



    You may know the cost of everything…. but what about the value ????

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