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  • bjmaca, and all….

    visit to see the regional plan (DRAFT) as well as the infrastructure plan….

    Yes, it’s always nice to know in advance which areas will be receiving all the govt attention……




    Can this be locked please…. we are so way off topic it’s not funny……

    We seem to be going over old ground here…..


    Still waiting for your facts…… as usual a newbie who posts like he knows everything….

    If you care to get technical, wraps & VF are technically different…..

    Sorry, I’m into rock n roll, not rap…..

    My company fully discloses to the banks, and the wrappee…. AND we are working with the banks on having the wrappee’s interest registered so that if anything happens to my company, the wrappee is protected…..

    Good job at a windup Leo, doesn’t work…….

    If you think MY posts are nasty, wait till you cheese MA off…. then you will see somethin !!! right Rob ??? !!! LOL !

    Leo, who are you to judge ???? Vendor finance is done on many things in this world of ours… not just houses….

    Who says, wraps are wrong ?? do you know how it is done ? properly ??? obviously you don’t.

    If you have it on good authority, please provide facts behind your comments….. until then, you are talking rubbish….

    I believe what has happen should sit under the heading of “organised crime”.

    Aside from the point of wrapping being one person’s cup of tea or not, there are ways to do it properly, openly and fairly….


    sorry, but that is not exactly wrapping…

    What this guy was doing is called fraud…

    proper wrapping discloses information about the deal…. this guy was simply trying to scam people…

    Marking up a 90k house by 50k is just plain fraud…..

    There is also an infrastructure plan, which you should read in conjuntion with the regional plan….

    We’ve read the SEQ draft plan numerous times….

    Everyone is saying : IPSWICH / West Corridor

    BUT : Traffic is a MESS at moment……

    The one question you need to ask though, is why do most people come to QLD ? for the Sun, and SURF…… do you think they all want to live out ipswich way ??

    The other key point of the plan is re-develop of existing blocks….. AGAIN… most people DONT want to live in a shoebox……

    Overall the plan is good, but do not take everything in there as gospel….. afterall it is still a DRAFT PLAN…..




    Agree with you there…..

    Jenman is up to his old tricks again…..

    Knowing Of Michael & Yuch They are fair and kind people…. It would seem to me that it would take quite a long time before they went thru this process……

    Come on… if this was a house owned by a bank, the Strakers would have been homeless a long time ago….. I do not recall reading or seeing or hearing anything about them having a gun to their heads to sign up for a house….

    People have to be responsible for their own lives…. We all have good and bad patches in life….. but life does go on and you have to deal with the crisises that come along….

    Hi Rob,

    I DO know of a site called or something like that……

    Best way to handle this, I’m just going to ignore it….. I’m busy with my partner doing investment projects…. which at the moment are 90% focused on property development, and not wrapping…..

    Having said that, we do things properly… ethically AND morally….

    I’ll leave it at that… and keep my cool !!!

    I would be interested however in figuring out, how Jenman got my name… as it is not shown against my profile…… hmmm…. interesting…….

    Well, Neil Strikes again…..

    And showing he still does not understand….

    Wrappers, just like banks, CAN & ARE sympathetic to people’s plights….. Just that in many cases wrappers are more flexible than a bank would be…..

    Yet Jenman does not go after the banks now does he…. ??? very lopsided……

    Happy Bday Steve…

    Even Jenman remembered your birthday !!!

    Rivkin was a larrikin, but a good bloke……

    He didn’t peddle drugs
    He didn’t kill anyone
    He didn’t run weapons….

    He bought and sold shares…. and sometimes that was based on inside info….

    The difference between him and other brokers out there, was that he slipped up, and got caught….. like the rest of them are ANGELS !!! come on….

    ASIC, as rent-a-cop did their fair share of hurt by going ater him so relentlessly…… I wonder why ?? Yes I KNOW you go after someone who breaks the law, but with such zealousness ???

    Can’t say it was surprising he died…. but unfortunately I feel the main people/organisations that caused his death will get away with it…..

    He was by no means completely innocent… but as we are all taught at some stage in life….. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones……

    Again, we see ASIC going after someone, and not showing any major problem as yet…..

    Nice to see ASIC being used as a “rent-a-cop” by the MIAA…. the very people most impacted if Derivex got off the ground and going……

    Sorry but this looks bad to me….. not about Derivex, but ASIC…..

    Gudday KP !! Long time no see / hear !!

    It’s on the cards… at this stage, end Nov, once kids finish the school year in SG……



    Originally posted by AdamWilliams:

    Can’t help but think you may have been looking at the wrong developments, in any town anywhere in the world there are cowboys and there are non cowboys, there is good opportunity in Malaysia and if they do de peg the ringgit and allow foreign lending those opportunities are going to expand rapidly, as I have read in another post, discernment is the key, Malaysia does have cowboys but it also has professionals.


    Just how much do you actually know about Malaysia ?? Do you see the news regularly talking about deadbeat tenants etc ?? have you driven up the coast and seen all the Development everywhere ? Have you seen the ads in the Malaysian papers selling houses like made, because, wait for it, there is just TOO MUCH SUPPLY….. ????

    I think you will see from my original posting, I live in Singapore, so, I see and hear the above all the time….. I drive in and around Malaysia ALL THE TIME……

    I’m by no means an expert on Malaysia, but if you want to jump into the market wildly thinking there are great returns you must be blind…..

    And, please don’t post asking for help here when you tenant disappears !!! having trashed the place…… it happens a bit……

    There are NO SECRETS to Investing… Everything is public knowledge….

    You may know the cost of everything…. but what about the value ????

    in a nutshell

    D O N ‘ T !!!!

    No protection for landlords at all.

    Rental yeilds crap for that kind of house…..

    Maintenance ??? what in the world is that ?????

    I live in Singapore, and I can tell you I have yet to see much in the way of nice houses here….. Fit & Finish is terrible……..

    Be forewarned…..


    Torachan, I don’t go around to the media public defaming and slandering people…. That is done by <edited> Neil Jenman….

    I suggest you do some research first….. Jenman makes noise about things he doesn’t even have the facts on…..

    1. Michael Gruber’s Wrap to a family in Sydney, WHEN IT WAS NOT EVEN MICHAEL….. Gee, now THAT’S FAIR ?? no slander there now is there ?

    2. Commenting on meetings of Associations, when he wasn’t even there, despite making it seem as if he was ??

    3. When people try to do good for an industry, it gets rubbished, despite HE HIMSELF DOING EXACTLY THE SAME THING…… Now HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT ???????

    3a. <edited> Why isn’t Mr. Jenman getting involved to seek proper consumer protection for people ? WE ARE ACTIVELY DOING that…. We don’t sit around MAKING UP STORIES, and bitching to the press….. It’s Michael G. the VFA, us, who are out there, trying to get better protection for wrappees…… Why doesn’t Jenman, put his money where his mouth is ?? and sit down and work with the VFA to draft up some regulations, which can be taken to the Fair trading depts. ???? Hmmmm ???

    Torachan, I do not hide behind an Avatar… you seem to !! But I have been on here for several years now….. Most long term members, know who I am, where I live, and the name of my business…

    I don’t hide behind blantantly FALSE media releases……. or showboat for the cameras….

    Once you know about the issue, then, maybe you can comment… till then… I suggest you go and do your research on this particular issue…. It’s WELL DOCUMENTED on the Somersoft forums……


    Just finished reading the article….



    Sen / Anubis,

    Sorry, but when did I require any conformity from anyone ??

    I simply stated that there are two sides to the person in question…. Sorry for not blindingly conforming with your views that Jenman is a saint……

    Sen, by the way…… I contribute quite a lot to society, through gifts of hardware, time, goodwillm and yes MONEY….. We donate to private individuals in need, and, to the big charities…. we MORE than do our share…..

    My beef is with people on both sides of the argument getting aggro when the other side won’t accept a different view….

    I simply stated facts about Jenman…. if you can’t handle the facts then I suggest you try the fiction section of your local bookshop……

    oh yeah and guys…… whilst we do wrap, we do a lot of other things as well…..

    as I mentioned…. AGAIN…. it’s about Mr. Jenman being impartial….. now, tell me, how is it that he can be that, when he is clearly benefiting from his scaremongering, which, by the way is aimed at channeling people to his agents….. earning him a fee…….

    Come on… you can’t tell me you are that gullible are you ???

    for the record, FOR THE umpteenth time, I AGREE NEIL JENMAN DOES GOOD WORK in exposing some of the sharks out there….. BUT having said that…. he takes aim at a lot of people without having the facts in hand FIRST……

    Maybe I should put it to you differently….. “SEN… hmmm. that must mean that you drive a Holden Senator…. what a piece of crap car… after all it’s made by a US company called General Motors…….”

    OK, now, what I’ve written is basically how Jenman writes his articles….. peppered with a bit of the truth, but a whole lot of fiction……

    Do we get it now ???

    1. Not attacking Sen or Anubis, but it seems you guys fell for the bait thinking I was….. sad to see you cant have a debate without the undies getting too tight……


    3. All entitled to our opinions

    4. Getting back to the Original topic at hand… please refer to point 2…..

    Oh yeah…. did I mention, it’s about being impartial…. and about the FACTS……

    over and out…..

    wow Neil.. er I mean Anubis….

    who’s the opinionated one now ???? hmmmm ????

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