Forum Replies Created
Keep the new definitions !!!
They ARE fun !!!
Admin / Brent,
I’ll add my 1.5 cents here…. Think the previous layout was much better…..
Anyway, I guess we’ll get used to the new style……. but hope for a return to the old….
Not sure if you have heard of some of Steve & Dave’s war stories, but it reminds me of one on their “Fasttrack” tape….
If you are gonna do something, I hope you try to help the person first, and the deal second.
Sounds like you need to think of a way to help her to move, and, give her a reasonable price… As mentioned by others, either get a cleaning company to santitise the place, or, buy a mask, open up all the windows, and, hire a trailer…. DIY….
It’s sad in this day and age we have people in this situation….
Hope you, or someone else, does indeed help her…
Yes, and that just means that the media will choose a slant on an issue to get the ratings in…. won’t it ???
Whilst I DO know that not all media outlets are into that sort of thing…. unfortunately ( like us nasty wrappers ) you get tarred with a rather large brush…..
Frankly I am very selective about what news I read and watch nowadays, as, I just find a lot of it biased……
Wish it wasn’t……………………
This forum is a great place to pick up a lot of knowledge…
On top of this, if you like to email me directly, I’m happy to share some of our experience in wraps…..
Pelican Investments
http://www.pelican-invest.comSounds like someone getting very creative, and making something very very complex…..
Personally I’d say that are preying on people’s greed…… by being greedy themselves…. I obviously could be wrong….. but do not like what I see……
VFA really has to get going……..
Hi Steve,
bought them on E-BAY !!! Think they were in the antiques section [lmao]
The one thing though, that I found good, was a lot of your concepts / plans have not changed, and it is good to see that you’ve progressed…
I also got wealthguardian there !!!!
We ourselves ( the Pelicans ) have not stopped the continued learning we started and, think it’s fair to say, share a lot of the same values you do…..
Pelican Investments
we’re in the frolic area mate… letting off steam, having fun… !!!!
hehehehehe….. bottom line….. yep….. but not in here !!!
You also need to factor in their finders fees in some cases, which turn them back into Negative geared for 1-2 years !! depending on the fee !!!
Afloat, did they have a website at all ?? Am interested in seeing what they had, but am based in Asia…..[blush2]
We bought another copy last week…. ( HEY !!! I still couldn’t find any magic pill… hehehe…. maybe they are only in the full priced versions….. )
We are actually giving it to the person on our “team” who is a banker……. After seeing what we do, his eyes lit up….. and now they lend us $$$$
I’m now listening to your wealthtips online tape set….. quite funny !!! you were talking about having 50 houses, so they must be old…….
You also mentioned MAY 9th. 2004 as your target….. are you there yet ???
Pelican Investments
http://www.pelican-invest.comWell, not that I know of anyway !!! eh ?? oh… OOPS !!!!
I mean, not that anyone does that here at all… [cap]….
could be worse… could be posting just to get your numbers up ???
Pelican Investments
Well, I guess let me ask everyone out there, what is the big difference between a bank and a wrapper ???
1. In both cases if you don’t make payments, you are likely to lose your home, NO MATTER who’s name is on the title……
2. If you are in difficulty, a wrapper ( usually ) will work with you to come to an agreeable solution….. Banks – not usually….
3. Possession of title – Well, you only get it once you have paid for it…. right…. Banks & Wrapping = SAME………
4. Naughty wrapper – you are making money on a %% on the loan….. HELLO…. that is EXACTLY what banks do….. They borrow from places like Japan, at around 1-2%, and then lend it to us at around 7%……. As a wrapper I only markup about 2.5%…. so who’s the crook here ??? Both are out to run a business and make a profit….. this is the way life is… in ALL industries…..
5. What about nasty wrapper going bust…. – You mean banks NEVER EVER go down the tubes….. ( anyone remember the Bank of Credit & Commerce ???, to name but 1 bank ??? ) Yes there is a very low chance of that happening, BUT, on the flip side, wrappers, who are in this for the long haul, are financially educating themselves, and, want to grow…. i.e. not going to get into a tough postion……
On this one…. maybe we need to establish an escrow system, whereby a 3rd party pays the banks first…..
6. Hidden fees & Charges – Hmmm… usually they are all stated in a contract, be it a bank loan or a wrap contract…. just that some silly bunnies don’t read what they sign….. no differences here then…..
This basically sums up the issues that people have a problem with…….
With the exception of 1…. I really do not see much of a difference…..
It’s the idiots out there, ( on both sides of the wrap contract ) that make this out to be a bad thing……
So, where do we go from here ???
2. REGULATIONEnuff rambling for today…..
Pelican Investments
Good one….. Keep em coming !!!
Pisces will tell you… If you heard it in the media it simply MUST be true….. right Pisces [lmao]
The VFA is working WITH the state governments with the aim to educate, and, to begin regulating wrapping….
Vendor Financing & Wrapping are a good thing, when done properly…
Unfortunately, there seem to be some greedy idiots out there, who stuff it up for the rest of “us”………..
Funny how shows never have testimony from the heaps of people out there who are happy to finally be able to own their own home….
I myself when I return to Australia, won’t be able to get a normal loan, and, YES, am happy to buy a wrap property myself to live in…. as long as I knew the terms….
Wrapping is one of several financial options available to people. simple as that….. you way up the pros & cons, then make your choice…
When you buy your PPOR, if you went ahead without legal advice, you’d be pretty stupid wouldn’t you say ? Same for ALL purchases of property. get independant legal advice…..
Sorry to rant on here folks, but simply put, we are all ( mostly !! [blink] ) adults here, and should really be able to take care of ourselves….
It’s the victim mentality of the lazy that get the ratings on TV… Oh dear… I signed a contract, but I didn’t check it first…. now I have to give up my first born…… DOH !!
Is it just me, or what ? But when I sign something, I read it first…. if it’s important, i.e. related to me buying a home, guess what ??? I get legal advice…. BEFORE i sign it…..
Pelican Investments
It’s jibes like that, that get you into trouble…
I will miss Bec…. not as much as you, but I will…..
As I said, if only she had taken heed of the PUBLIC warnings given…….
LET’S MOVE ON EVERYONE….. What’s done is done… sad to say… but that’s it….
Bec only has herself to blame here..
She was warned on numerous occassions to tone it down, and she ignored that……
There is contributing and there is contributing….. a MAJORITY of Bec’s posts were not constructive at all….. and that is what was asked of her…..
NOT a crushing of her will, but a request to be more balanced in her comments….. She didn’t do that, and now it’s too late……
we all have a choice… stay here and continue discussing real estate in a civilised manner, or, head for the door…… your call which option you want to take…..
They may or may not have been well thought out, but there were seldom FACTS to support the issue…
MANY, comments were personal attacks or jibes……..
We are where we are….. now let’s get on with real estate…… It’s Steve’s Board, and, his right to do as he pleases… no one forces us to visit here……
Pelican Investments
Interest only is NOT ILLEGAL…
BUT, you should always ensure from a Consumer Credit Code side, that your outstanding ballance is not more than the wrappee’s loan…….
Pelican Investments