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  • Pecko replied to the topic Reno- 1 day seminar or Reno Toolbox, Which is better?? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 3 months ago

    Hi VickyThanks again for your response. Again you have mentioned alot of things that have helped me to get a better understanding of what I need and want to know to move forward. I actually called Dean the other day and asked him directly some questions which obviously helpd as well. Thanks for outlining the basic concept though, I will run some…[Read more]

  • Thank you to both  Daedalus and Adrian and AmberI apprecaite your time and thoughts and certainly agree that taking action is a positive step in anyway. I have had some more feedback from original post now as well and it has all helped to make an informed opinion on which will suit me bestOnce again I appreciate your timePecko

  • Pecko replied to the topic Reno- 1 day seminar or Reno Toolbox, Which is better?? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 3 months ago

    Hi VickyThanks for the post, that was great and excatly the kind of information I was looking for.Are you happy to share with me, have you done any renos prior to course or toolkit?? Or any after each, I know you mentioned looking at 25 and having maybe one on the go but just curious to see if thats where you started or has there been others. Do…[Read more]

  • Pecko replied to the topic Reno- 1 day seminar or Reno Toolbox, Which is better?? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks GioI appreciate your time. I actually posted this in a different forum and had similar feedback and I certainly agree with what you have said. I think also I did not make word my question very well to get the actual information I was looking for. I gues I was hoping to hear from someone regarding this specific course and see what they th…[Read more]

  • Pecko replied to the topic Has anyone successfully used the Reno Toolkit? in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 3 months ago

    I know this is a lttle off topic but I posted an article with no response so thought I would try in tis forum.I am intersted to get anyones feedback regarding what they feel is a better learning forum if I am comparing Dean Parkers one day seminar to the Reno Toolbox offer online.  For value for money it does not seem much different with appr…[Read more]


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