Peak Debt replied to the topic Australian Property Bubble (article on Associated Press) in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Limited Recourse wrote:
Hi DWOLF; I'm not a blue sky property investor. Times are tough. The last 20 years has been easy to make money in the property market. The next 10 years will sort out the wannabees from the real investors. The reason why I buy pencils with erasors on the end is it helps when I make a boo booPeak Debt replied to the topic Australian Property Bubble (article on Associated Press) in the forum Ben K wrote:This is a great 14 years ago
Ben K wrote:
This is a great thread, good debate makes for interesting reading.AgreeGood thread
Peak Debt replied to the topic Any property left for average-wage earners? in the forum General Property 15 years ago
Wynyard wrote:
I've just started looking, and it seems we would both need to work for 30+years to buy a tiny flat in greater-MelbourneIs anyone else here in a similar situation?Sadly this is another one of the negative affects of the property bubble.Most households need both adults working to afford even the most basic home.It used to be…[Read more]
Peak Debt replied to the topic australia is has an oversupply of properties and not an undersupply. in the forum General Property 15 years ago
The shortage is an invention of the banks and real estate vested interestsIf you look at the data between the 2000 and 2006 census, the number of houses increased by a greater percentage than the number of people.