pc9geek replied to the topic Just returned from the USA – My Report in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Invest to Retire wrote:
Hey Steve,Just curious, do you plan to rennovate/flip or rent out the properties? By your description, St Louis sounds like it might be ripe for some section 8 investments.
I agree St Louis is a terrific market, it has strong demographics and in well positioned in the Midwest, if you drop me a PM with your email…[Read more]
pc9geek replied to the topic Just returned from the USA – My Report in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Will do Alex,
I have a few days in Cancun first I expect around 18-20 Jun
pc9geek replied to the topic Foreclosures – will we actually see another drop in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Freckle wrote:
Boy I’m glad you cleared that up. Here’s me thinking QE is inflationary and devalues the printers currency.
Silly me.
The Freckle
Freckle have a look at this video
pc9geek replied to the topic Just returned from the USA – My Report in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
kylermrice wrote:
I'm surprised you couldn't find more options in St. Louis than just the slum lord multi family. I haven't heard of to many people tapping that market other than the locals.Hi Kyler,
it is all I was looking at in St Louis, I went over with a plan and stuck to it. I am sure there are many more options, I just didn’t h…[Read more]
pc9geek replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 13 years ago
kong71286 wrote:
What's the purpose of the thread?To determine if there is any correlation between the car you drive and how wealthy you are?Personally I believe there is no correlation between the two, and that it in the end it comes to personal taste and affordability. Some wealthy individuals will buy more affordable cars, whereas others will…[Read more]pc9geek replied to the topic ABC 730 23rd April 2012 in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
There you go.. great report. Shame is these cowboys have been doing this in various forms for years. I remember many Australians got stung in the 80’s with large markups on Gold Coast investments.
pc9geek replied to the topic Newbie question – which US bank to open an account with? in the forum BJG88 wrote:
I just arrived 13 years agoBJG88 wrote:
I just arrived in the States on a fact finding trip.How long are you there for? I am flying over that way tomorrow.
pc9geek replied to the topic Questions for US Investrors in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
That was an incredible response,there is a lot of important information here. Very very valuable post(s)
once again
thank you!
pc9geek replied to the topic Hello from a new forum member in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Jeez three days til I fly to the USA and start looking at the property market from the ground. I haven’t even been able to decide on a a city/state yet, and it is embarrassing. There is just such an overwhelming volume of data to sort through. I understand now why investors concentrate in specific regions, the market is so big and the laws vary so…[Read more]
pc9geek replied to the topic Questions for US Investrors in the forum I was reading a terrific 13 years ago
I was reading a terrific article on the increasing rate of foreclosure activity, and what in means for the market in various states.
I rarely agree with anything CNN says, but the facts seem to be in place in this story.
pc9geek replied to the topic Hello from a new forum member in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
A preview of my upcoming property hunting trip…
pc9geek replied to the topic Foreclosures – will we actually see another drop in the forum Now that is funny :)
13 years agoNow that is funny
pc9geek replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 13 years ago
He he…. I have
Porsche Turbo,
Mercedes ML,
Ford Mustang,
BMW X5,I live in two countries so I need a toy and a people mover in each
pc9geek replied to the topic Hello from a new forum member in the forum Interesting report and a 13 years ago
Interesting report and a landlords worst nightmare, loosing your life over the performance of an investment. I am saddened to hear it, but as we are all critical thinkers here, lets look at the report and see what we can learn….
The report says:
Greg McNicol bought the property in February hoping it would bloom. He had seen squatters…[Read more]pc9geek replied to the topic Foreclosures – will we actually see another drop in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
The Hague Convention of 1899, Declaration III, prohibits the use in international warfare of bullets that easily expand or flatten in the body.
Clearly these rounds are intended to be used domestically!
Someone is very scared about a catalyst event creating a breakdown in law and order.
I am having a bit of difficulty processing this.
pc9geek replied to the topic Foreclosures – will we actually see another drop in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Freckle wrote:
Unless you know of a way an economy can spend more than it earns and print its way to prosperity we are goners big time.
..Hi Freckle, I live in the Middle East and I would like to give my perspective. The US is the only country in the World who can “print its way to prosperity”. It has just recently gone too hard and fast…[Read more]
pc9geek replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 13 years ago
but have a home in Port Macquarie NSW
pc9geek replied to the topic Hello from a new forum member in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
kylermrice wrote:
I stay with if it makes good money and it's worth the risk, why not?kyler do think people don’t asses the risk properly and shy away from these areas without thinking, leaving them as investments for people who are prepared to look at them realistically and put some work in?
Have you had many issues with unpaid rent /…[Read more]
pc9geek replied to the topic Hello from a new forum member in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Last time I invested in what other people called “high risk” property was in 2002 when I bought industrial and commercial in Brisbane, just about everyone I knew at the time said I was foolish , there was no capital growth on commercial and “I’ll loose my money”.
So I did my research, identified all the risk areas and asked myself how can I…[Read more]
pc9geek replied to the topic Private messaging is not working… For those who have sent me private message I am un able to respond in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Hi Jay I sent you a PM and I checked my settings it says that I am accepting emails, but my contact page says I am not accepting emails. I’ll email you.
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