pbproperty replied to the topic Looking for advice on selling a house in Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 5 years, 1 month ago
Each area (upstairs and downstairs) have their own kitchen, bathroom, laundry, living room, and entrance, as well as being lockable. Lockable in that people upstairs can’t get into downstairs and vice versa.
pbproperty started the topic Looking for advice on selling a house in Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 5 years, 1 month ago
I have a high-set house that I have freshened up in Sunnybank, Brisbane and now wish to sell it. It seems to me most buyers attending open houses in my area are families but I feel the property would appeal more to a buyer of rooming houses (rooms upstairs and downstairs with own kitchen and bathroom). However, I am having difficulty finding…[Read more]
pbproperty became a registered member 5 years, 1 month ago