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  • paulusi replied to the topic Catch 22 situation in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago

    thanks marg, you opened up a few dimensions in my mind.
    even if i go to a financial advisor, i know typical phrase they would say ‘it all depends on what you actually want to do’ .
    really appreciate the time you have taken to reply to my posts.

    ok, for my wife to juggle with work, i don’t think it is worth the penny to have my child sent to…[Read more]

  • paulusi replied to the topic Catch 22 situation in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago

    Terry, thanks for your comments.
    yes am highly geared.

    i cannot just sell one, as you can see the properties are cross-collaterilised to each other, if i sell one i have to come up with CASH to COVER THE SHORTFALL on the other property to make LVR stay at 80%, and i don’t have that much money to cover that. so either sell everything or don’t sell at all

  • paulusi replied to the topic Catch 22 situation in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago

    to shake-the-disease, thanks
    how did you come up with $100k per year growth ?

    also to terry, i cannot just sell one, as you can see the properties are cross-collaterilised to each other, if i sell one i have to come up with the shortfall on the other property to make LVR stay at 80%, and i don’t have that much money to cover that. so either sell…[Read more]

  • paulusi replied to the topic Catch 22 situation in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago

    am in pretty much don’t know what to do now,
    am thinking to get the $100K for my emergency fund, just in case.
    you are right, that $100K is not all really profit, minus deposits & interests i have paid all along. the baulkham hills one was once a principal residence, so no CGT is payable on the profit, but on the other 2 properties i make a loss,…[Read more]


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