paulinek64 replied to the topic Getting unusual deals across the line with a broker in the forum Finance 8 years, 4 months ago
We cannot use a reverse mortgage as we need $500,000 up front to pay for serviced apartment and reverse mortgages limit the amount borrowed, the most l have seen is 350,000 , so not enough. Also the trigger to pay back full amount occurs when the owner moves out of the home, in our case this is happening immediately. A reverse mortgage helps the…[Read more]
paulinek64 replied to the topic Getting unusual deals across the line with a broker in the forum Finance 8 years, 4 months ago
We cannot use a reverse mortgage as we need $500,000 up front to pay for serviced apartment and reverse mortgages limit the amount borrowed, the most l have seen is 350,000 , so not enough. Also the trigger to pay back full amount occurs when the owner moves out of the home, in our case this is happening immediately. A reverse mortgage helps the…[Read more]
paulinek64 replied to the topic Getting unusual deals across the line with a broker in the forum Finance 8 years, 4 months ago
ok this is a brief rundown of my situation.
My mother in law is moving into a retirement village and needs $500,000 up front to pay for it. Her PPR is a developement corner block in Templestowe Lower . It is in high demand both for buyers and for rentals. Naturally we dont want to sell and wish to develop the block ourselves. We are after a line…[Read more]paulinek64 replied to the topic Getting unusual deals across the line with a broker in the forum Finance 8 years, 4 months ago
ok this is a brief rundown of my situation.
My mother in law is moving into a retirement village and needs $500,000 up front to pay for it. Her PPR is a developement corner block in Templestowe Lower . It is in high demand both for buyers and for rentals. Naturally we dont want to sell and wish to develop the block ourselves. We are after a line…[Read more]paulinek64 replied to the topic Getting unusual deals across the line with a broker in the forum Finance 8 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for your reply Corey. The last thing l would want is to waste a brokers time. Its just that in the past l have read of an investor doing this. I am desperate to get this deal across the line. its an unusual situation so hence the banks reluctance to fund. I would also not want multiple hits on my credit history. I though a broker probably…[Read more]
paulinek64 started the topic Getting unusual deals across the line with a broker in the forum Finance 8 years, 4 months ago
Hello to you all. l need some suggestions. I have a finance issue in that l cant get it, except maybe with one bank. I have a mortgage broker (investor savy one ) working for me. Is it worth, or has anyone done this, where they have had more than one broker working on a funding solution for them. If the answer is yes to using another broker at the…[Read more]
paulinek64 started the topic Selling – The Complete Renovation System by Dean & Elise Parker in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 8 years, 5 months ago
Complete set of manuals and Cds/ DVDs,costing software, checklists etc in mint condition, no marks.
Sell for $595.00
Payment cash or paypal transfer.
Pickup melbourne ( Templestowe Lower or Upwey, or Dandenong ) or l can post to you (postage extra ).
One successful renovation will pay for this valuable resource.paulinek64 started the topic Selling – The Complete renovation system Dean & Elise parker in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 8 years, 5 months ago
Complete set of manuals and Cds/ DVDs, mint condition, no marks.
Sell for $595.00
Payment cash or paypal transfer.
Pickup melbourne ( Templestowe Lower or Upwey, or Dandenong ) or l can post to you (postage extra ).
One successful renovation will pay for this valuable resource.paulinek64 replied to the topic Hotspots or Warmspots? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 4 months ago
If l had to choose l would go for Toowoomba. Just make sure you do lots of research , because if you need to make 50-60k in equity in three years you will have to buy well. I spent 186,000 in orange on a three bedroom house in Glenroi , Orange. It rents for 280 a week. However this will never increase in value by the amount that you need. You may…[Read more]
paulinek64 replied to the topic Hotspots or Warmspots? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 4 months ago
Hi l have bought in orange.when you go there you get the feel that it is a vibrant is easy to find a cash flow property.However at the moment the rental market is flooded.If l was you l would look at Bathurst or towoomba as both are hubs which benefit from mining but are not reliant on it .Margaret Lomas gives both a big plug
Good luck