PaulB replied to the topic Place comments about my spreadsheet here in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hi Fudge, would you please be able to send me a copy?
holdenman@yahoo.comPaulB replied to the topic Cash on Cash calculator…. in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hi Kevin, could you please send me the file?
Paul.PaulB replied to the topic DOES 11 SEC RULE STILLAPPLY IN OCT 2003!!!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago
What is wrong with property under 80K? If you buy 2 that 160K invested positively etc. I guess you have to add stamp duty etc but the figures can work out.
Good Luck
One thing i don’t understand when you people say you buy houses for 80K(example), is, how much work has to be done to them? I can’t see houses that are not falling…[Read more]
PaulB replied to the topic Selling your car?????? in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
Try putting an advirisement in the Trading post. Everyone looks at that.
PaulB replied to the topic 11s rule in the forum General Property 21 years ago
If you don’t mind me asking, how are these properties structural wise? Do they need any work, or will require it in the near future?
Paul.PaulB replied to the topic FHBG for 1st property in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thats amazing Neo. Could you say thats like a loop in the system? ahh well, i no complain.
PaulB replied to the topic FHBG for 1st property in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hmm, i don’t know about that moving in for a weekend idea, could you imagine how many people would be doing it if it was true? (including me i might add).
I Heard you have to live in it for one year minimum or if your having difficulties paying the house of and can prove it then you can start renting it out(think it has to go through…[Read more]PaulB replied to the topic Something light C/- Qantas in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
“By the way Qantas has had accidents, it’s just that they were a long time ago and they don’t ever mention them anymore.”
Well said RodC!
PaulB replied to the topic 0 – 130 does not make you wealthy in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
Do you people actually find +ve Houses? or are they all units? just curious……