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  • paula3 replied to the topic transfering ownership to a business in the forum General Property 17 years, 5 months ago

    Hi to everyone out there.- Could anybody please help me with the following senario:We own a business Chefunder a trust structure that last financial year ran at a loss, ie: a trading loss as opposed to a capital loss.We are about the start buying & selling property under the same trust structure. How do we offset a trading loss against a capital gain?…[Read more]

  • paula3 replied to the topic THE NEXT PROPERTY CYCLE! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 10 months ago

    Does the “boom’ cycle really hold any credibility? Are we trying to predicte the next boom because the most recent one has been so kind to us? It is some what easy to average a cycle out to every 7 years or so if you extend your calendar back far enough.
    I’d like to share an example with you –
    In 1982 a spectular Gold Coast beach front unit was…[Read more]


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