patrickhake replied to the topic How NOT to put up a fence. in the forum Ahahahah, good laughs Ben. I 14 years ago
Ahahahah, good laughs Ben. I guess it'll go more smoothly next time…
patrickhake replied to the topic Ben VS the whole year in timelapse :) in the forum Other than the fact that 14 years ago
Other than the fact that it's a little sideways-y, looks awesome. I bet the people that got to share the year with you would be happy to see it. Looks like you were busy.
patrickhake replied to the topic Introduce yourself in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years ago
Sure, might as well. If you guys need me, I sell real estate in Placer County, California. I know it's a world away, but investment properties in America are getting more plausible for foreigners. If you got any questions, fire em my way. I'll see what I can do for ya!
patrickhake replied to the topic Pushy Real Estate Agents in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years ago
Haha, yeah, I remember seeing this not too long ago. Still makes me crack up a lil.
patrickhake replied to the topic Who’s doin’ what in 2011? in the forum Would like another 14 years ago
Would like another investment property. Probably some time in the next two months. Want to learn the Banjo. Not easy.Join a soccer team.Build a home theatre in the basement.That should be enough. I might cut the lawn or do dishes sometime in there too.