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  • Profile photo of Pat5Pat5
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 5

    Hi Richard and Terry

    Thank you very much for your respective comments…greatly appreciated!!

    Shall read again when things are not so hectic on the work front and digest…


    Profile photo of Pat5Pat5
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 5

    Hi Richard and Terry

    I am a newbie to this forum and have tracking your comments with great interest and appreciation, thank you for donating your time and expertise (which is no doubt subject to me getting my own independent advice) 

    It is hard to know the right questions, and at the risk of asking for too much…I would appreciated your comments on my situation, which  is:

    Have a discretionary family trust already set up
    PPOR with 80% LVR more than 50% for investment purposes with lender A 
    PPOR borrowings $575k – split into LOC and Var
    Have an IP with LVR of 60% with lender B
    IP borrowings $264k – LOC
    Rental income $250 pw
    Avoided the danger of cross collaterialising by using two lenders

    We have an investment which gives us an independent income stream of $47k p.a.
    Self employed for 18 months; ABN and GST registered…earn $48k pa and will be increasing gradually
    My wfe is PAYG earning $52k pa
    Credti cards of $12k which we totally clear each month
    No dependents
    No debt other than the home loans with St George Portfolio Loan  (PPOR) and ANZ Breakfree LOC (IP)

    Considering refinancing PPOR to CBA with fixed loans and with our IP stying with ANZ but switch to fixed loans.
    Our overall objective is to build up a property portfolio, so:

    What is the best loan structure for now and for the future? 
    (Is it worth selling our PPOR to our trust in some way).


    Profile photo of Pat5Pat5
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 5

    Hi Terry

    Thank you for the site with booklets. etc…namely

    Just great


    Profile photo of Pat5Pat5
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 5

    Too right, Richard

    I wonder if it is worth it sometimes…

    Profile photo of Pat5Pat5
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 5

    Suncorp have some special offers at the moment that are worth having a look at..



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