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  • So can you get a offset account on a fixed loan? and with RHG?

  • AHA! offset, thats the one! we are very good on spending within our budget (g/f is 100% spot on with bills etc etc) Now, is it the more savings I have the less I pay ? my loan is $224,000 and about $5000 savings, so does that mean im only paying intrest on $219,000? This loan is my house, not a IP, so therefor I should pay Intrest and Principle…[Read more]

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic RHG CUSTOMERS – ???? in the forum Finance 16 years ago

    wow, so your saying there not taking on any new customers? so how do they stay afloat then?

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic RHG CUSTOMERS – ???? in the forum Finance 16 years ago

    RHG just told me its going to cost me $10K to unfix my load and its onlu $220,000. There assholes and no one should go with them, my cousin works for ACA, I feel like taking this further, but….who knows.

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic About to re-finance with rams, good idea? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I say that RAMS just went into the Stock Market at the wrong time thats all, there comeing back up now along with alot of other companys. I might go with them as there the only ones they will accept me anyway with my credit rateing.

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic RateBusters? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    v8ghia wrote:
    don't need a branch to walk into, and don't plan on reselling the property anytime soon – maybe they are just what you need. On the other hand, why would you use a broker to get a rams laon if there is a rams branch near you somewhere? BEtter to deal with the source unless you are isolated somewhere or have other reasons. My…[Read more]

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic About to re-finance with rams, good idea? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    TheBish wrote:
    Don't sign up with RAMS!!!

    Yeah, but why?

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic Refinance now? or wait another year? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Its a brand new home, its nothing special, 24sq house on a 812sq block of land. This is why I need the cash flow,need to fill the land up!  if im only going into dept another $300 or so with rams but saving about $200 per month isnt it worth it for now? or am I wrong?

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic Refinance now? or wait another year? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Widebay @ 8.25% car loan as a secured or unsecured loan.<– what does that mean dude?

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic Bathroom Question – first home buyer in the forum Re-sealing costs nothing, I 18 years ago

    Re-sealing costs nothing, I work for Reece Plumbing and belive me, you dont need to know any trade at all to do that. How new do the spindles look? take off the cover for the tap handles (just un screw with your hand) and take a look at them and find out brand they are, we will be able to tell you if you need new ones or not, but there only like…[Read more]

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic Refinance now? or wait another year? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Kinda is about relieving cash flow, we really want our backyard done and its about a 1/4 of the way there. Also we need to put the finishing touches on the inside of the house to. Also, Dave take alook at my last post dude just above your one.v8ghia: I loooove BA's dude, if I had the cash I would love to have a Black XR8 Ute, at the moment I have…[Read more]

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic Refinance now? or wait another year? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    OOOOOOOOOk……it seems as though my g/f had it wrong from the start here, our payout figure with our bank is $225,000 witch is what we are going to refinance with RAMS, our repayments will come down by $205 a month with them, from 7.75% down to 7.40%. So now im thinking it sounds like a good deal. Had me wondering all this time because a $15K…[Read more]

  • PASSNBY replied to the topic Refinance now? or wait another year? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hmmm, thanks guys, it has opened my eyes up alot more and I have convinced my g/f that putting the car loan onto the house isnt a great idea. What we will do is use that equity next year to build a large pergola and big shed as this will only add value to the my land, or get a IP. (ive read all of steves books and been a member here for 4 years…[Read more]