PALOHH replied to the topic Financial advisor or accountant or…? What guru should we seek? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Hiya,Yes, Benj I am also after an accountant in Sydney. I did see one in another thread, website businessartisans in Sutherland. Does anybody else have any suggestions?Cheers,Palohh
PALOHH replied to the topic any ideas for extra income in the forum Hi,Well done on making a 14 years ago
Hi,Well done on making a start with your finances and of course pursuing your own business.Im not sure of your situation, but I created around $200 per week extra income through checking with council about the use of granny flats in our area. Fortunately, they had good news and pointed me in the direction of the LEP Draft which I found that my…[Read more]
PALOHH replied to the topic tax on rental property income when living overseas in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 2 months ago
Hi JPN_______,I too am finding myself in the same boat. HAve you found anything out yet if so could you point me in the right direction besides doings hours of research on the the ATO website.Cheers PALOHH