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  • pabbs73 replied to the topic ADVICE NEEDED (please) in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for your responses, all…I’ll do a search and track him down.



  • pabbs73 replied to the topic CONFUSED. What do we do ????? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks all for the responses !! We were feeling a tad flat after chatting to our accountant.. It does make sense to reduce our debt first, and it is coming down quite well, due to Line of Credit loan. We have always been VERY good at saving etc, but are anxious to ‘put right’, the neg gearing experience that put us behind in dollars….I think we…[Read more]

  • pabbs73 replied to the topic WHEN TO GET STARTED ????? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Fantastic…Thanks all for the advice. We had a close call about 2 years back with a neg geared property in QLD. Since getting onto this forum, our confidence in property is building.

    We still need to learn more and gather info before we proceed.

    If the market is slowing (as suggested), should we hold back for awhile ??


  • pabbs73 replied to the topic 2nd Attempt At Property in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for the advice, all..I hadn’t considered the possible effects that the Ring Road may have on the area ! I was abit concerned that we may hve missed the boat, as the min price around main Geelong seems to be 150, 160K @ approx $150 per week rent…


  • pabbs73 replied to the topic 2nd Attempt At Property in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Mmmm, thanks for the feedback all…..

    Research, sound like the go ! I hear rumours that the market is slowing at present. Would it be a better option to wait for awhile, or invest now ???? Has anyone got any views, if flats or houses would be a better option ? We are more interested in long term +cash flow investments..

    Pabbs73 [blush2]
