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  • Profile photo of ozdrjohnozdrjohn
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 10

    hey real-newbie – totally agree with ethan and option 1 as 10yrs is a really long time to be on the sidelines when you could have your money working for you, and you wouldnt be the only rent-vester out there. cheers, john

    Profile photo of ozdrjohnozdrjohn
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 10

    thanks wadez – am in exactly the same position and the prices are historically a bit unstable for the one i’m looking at. however it would now be below build cost and this too is puzzling as it cant really go below this price – maybe?? cheers, john

    Profile photo of ozdrjohnozdrjohn
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 10

    thanks mikeden – having been in one of these, any top tips on what negatives to look out for?? thanks, john

    Profile photo of ozdrjohnozdrjohn
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 10

    thanks corey – they definitely seem like a bit of a specialty niche. nice returns but the growth seems to be an issue i have heard about. even though with rent assisted pensioner tenants, still not sure where the biggest risks are for them and happy to learn from anyone familiar with them. good point about the banks being shy about them, just need to find out why… cheers, john

    Profile photo of ozdrjohnozdrjohn
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 10

    thanks jamie – will do. best of luck and thanks for your help… cheers, john

    Profile photo of ozdrjohnozdrjohn
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 10

    great tips there terry. when its time to make our next purchase we’ll be certainly giving you a call to ensure we are using our structures in the most effective way. the way the lender responded definitely highlighted some weaknesses in our approach (bloody newbies). cheers to all of you for sharing your knowledge and i’ll be in contact with each of you early next year when we’re ready to do our next round of purchases. thanks, john

    Profile photo of ozdrjohnozdrjohn
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 10

    thanks corey and jamie for your quick quality replies. agreed corey, the will is there and i thought we looked sound as a pound, hence the surprise. jamie, we have the first two with teacher’s mutual, and grabbed the 3.99% fixed with newcastle permanent for the other two (which we purchased through a shelf company). will have to chat with both of you early next year when we plan to buy our next two as i agree that getting an investment-focused broker looks like the key going forward. cheers and many thanks again for your replies… john

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