Ozbroker replied to the topic Airless spray gun advice PLEASE in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
I priced out an airless spray gun through one of the tool companies in Newcastle after doing the REno Kings course in Brisbane, and it was around $1500 to $1600 to buy. If you look at your quotes, and are going to do more, it would be worth while purchasing.
Ozbroker replied to the topic ‘Country Land & Home Sales’ Company in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
As with everything in investing, due diligence is crucial. Clients of mine were looking at investing with this company.
A search of Google of one of the principals, Victor Ollis, reveals a Hansard (QLD Parliament) reference.
See the 6th (page 10912 of Hansard) page of the pdf…[Read more]
Ozbroker replied to the topic Investment opportunities in Newcastle in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Hi folks
I operate a mortgage brokerage in Newcastle and am dealing with investors on a daily basis, and am an investor myself.
Walkernick’s mention of the Hunter Employment Zone is spot on. I spoke with a client this morning and his brother has been involved in getting it going over the past 4 to 5 years, and he believes that things will start…[Read more]
Ozbroker replied to the topic Do I have to settle, this year to pre-pay interest in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
As Trueblue and Terry said, the property needs to be up for rent. A sign in the yard indicating the property is available for rent would seem a good course of action, and perhaps a photograph of it in place, dated.
This still relates to the property settling this financial year.
Ozbroker replied to the topic Do I have to settle, this year to pre-pay interest in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
You need to settle within this financial year.
Ozbroker replied to the topic Report in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi guys
I know Steve has prepared a fairly comprehensive report in the form of Wealth Guardian in terms of asset protection and structure.
Ozbroker replied to the topic letter from lender? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I should also mention that there will be no need for a credit check, therefore no reference on your credit file.
Ozbroker replied to the topic letter from lender? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I’m a broker and have our own badged product. If you give me a call tomorrow (12/6), I’m sure I can arrange something for you.
My office number is 02 49529910.
My email is mark@mortgagexchange.com.au and my website is http://www.mortgagexchange.com.au .
Ozbroker replied to the topic Mortgage Insurance formula! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
It’s based on the entire loan amount..
Ozbroker replied to the topic help! (tired of Ins Co and Brokers) in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
The next three days are a pain in the tail in trying to get to someone who can give a straight answer as the majority of the lender representatives are at the MIAA’s (Mortgage Industry Association of Autralia) conference in Melbourne.
Would it help if I told you which hole and golf course they’ll be on Wednesday morning?
Seriously though,…[Read more]
Ozbroker replied to the topic “Which bank?” in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi folks,
Similar to Tony29 I am a broker. I’ve been in the industry for 7 – 8 years, and if there is any advice I can give, it is that the lenders go through peaks and troughs in terms of service and turnaround times.Right at this moment Mortgage Professional Austalia is conducting a survey of brokers on banks and other lenders.
In addition…[Read more]
Ozbroker replied to the topic help! (tired of Ins Co and Brokers) in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Sounds like you’ve been right royally stuffed around. You’re welcome to call me in the morning at my office and I’ll try and help with advice.The problem is that you’re closing fast on the setllement date and most lenders at present are not exactly fast! GE also figure with many lenders as one of the other major mortgage insurers…[Read more]
Ozbroker replied to the topic homeloan (urgent!!!!!) in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I noticed your thread last night, but waited until this evening to reply.
I’m a broker (7 years) and deal with Homeside regularly. I have written similar loans for clients, but just to be sure, checked with my business development manager today, and you can have 90% fixed five years interest only.
I think you should go back to the broker and check.
Ozbroker replied to the topic How Do I Borrow Out Of “Postcode Area” in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Me again.. Must be the time of day. What I meant is that the majors don’t mortgage insure, but that all the other lenders doing low doc have strict mortgage insurance guidelines.
Ozbroker replied to the topic How Do I Borrow Out Of “Postcode Area” in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Within NSW, most of the big five lenders have or are in the process of introducing low doc loans. ANZ will lend to 60% LVR (loan to val ratio, St George will lend to 65% and Com Bank similarly. None of these are subject to mortgage insurance, which for low docs is heavily mortgage insured by a couple of the mort. insurers, and they…[Read more]
Ozbroker replied to the topic Analysis Spreadsheet in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
If you’re looking for people to beta test your spreadsheet, I’d be happy to participate.
Warm regards and great investing..